石井 営次 乾 美智子 高橋 美帆 塚本 晶子 林 茂美 三浦 和美
生活衛生 (ISSN:05824176)
vol.35, no.5, pp.228-232, 1991-09-10 (Released:2010-03-11)

Bacterial contamination in tableware sponge polishers for kitchen use was examined and means for sterilization were sought. Among 36 polishers including 4 for use at places of business, a colony forming unit for each polisher measured by standard plate count, exceeded 109 in 21 polishers, and 108 in 32 polishers, of which a number of coliforms in MPN was more than 106 in each polisher. Although no Salmonella could be detected, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus were found in 9 and 15 polishers, respectively. Polishers treated with boiling water every day and which dried easily showed a low number of bacterium, from 102 to 103. Bacterial contaminated polishers were sterilized by boiling water for more than 30 seconds every day, but not by chemicals or disinfectant. Salmonella, S. aureus, and Escherichia coli were found capable of growing in polishers at 25°C.


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>> https://t.co/Gl7lZmMMag 使用後熱湯に30秒で良いらしい やろうかな... sgo2 - 『過敏性腸症候群【IBS】と台所スポンジ』 へのブックマーク https://t.co/L4AQuxO9l7
メモ: 家庭の台所用スポンジタワシの細菌汚染とその殺菌方法 https://t.co/IzDZbaNQww ・スポンジは細菌の温床 ・消毒液や食洗機による殺菌効果は低い ・煮沸消毒は効果的 ちなみに「除菌ができる洗剤」も、この論文で使用された各種消毒液と同程度の効果しかないと言われている(出典はリプに記載)
偶然見つけた。有意義な論文だ。「家庭の台所スポンジタワシの細菌汚染とその殺菌方法」 http://t.co/soChNQ2f

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