Yuta Goto Masaki Satoh
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.18A-003, (Released:2022-03-24)

We statistically investigate characteristics of “senjo-kousuitai”, quasi-stationary linear precipitation systems, in East Asia using high-resolution satellite precipitation and reanalysis data to understand whether these events are common there. We define an elongated precipitation system in the satellite precipitation data as a senjo-kousuitai event.Our results show that the contribution of senjo-kousuitai to heavy rainfall is high in western Japan, especially in Kyushu, the Nansei Islands, and the East China Sea. Among the environmental factors favorable for the occurrence of senjo-kousuitai, low-level water vapor flux and vertical wind shear are essential to the development of senjo-kousuitai. As a typical case, we examine large-scale circulations associated with senjo-kousuitai events in Kyushu in the Baiu season (June to July), and found that they are generally characterized by the intensified Pacific High over the south of Kyushu and pressure trough to the north of Kyushu. This circulation pattern results in a stronger pressure gradient and higher low-level wind speeds over Kyushu. With respect to the previously noted importance of water vapor and wind speed for better prediction of senjo-kousuitai, we show that not water vapor but higher wind speeds are the main factor for the enhancement of low-level water vapor flux.


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Sola early online release: Goto and Satoh, Statistical Analysis of “Senjo-Kousuitai” in East Asia and Characteristics of Associated Large-scale Circulations in the Baiu season, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18A, doi:10.2151/sola.18A-003, https://t.co/2nB3JVvstQ
Yuta Goto's paper on "senjou kousuitai" is published online from SOLA: Goto, Y., Satoh, M. (2022) Statistical Analysis of “Senjo-Kousuitai” in East Asia and Characteristics of Associated Large-scale Circulations in the Baiu season. SOLA, 18A, https://t.co/t1bCX1P5Y7 https://t.co/00SyzbGBF5
Statistical Analysis of “Senjo-Kousuitai” in East Asia and Characteristics of Associated Large-scale Circulations in the Baiu season (Goto and Satoh SOLA) https://t.co/fQirDnQziF 太平洋高気圧が強く、朝鮮半島から気圧の谷が伸びると強い風が吹き込み、九州で線状降水帯が発生しやすい。

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