Tetsuya Kawano Rina Yasukiyo Ryuichi Kawamura Takashi Mochizuki
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2023-014, (Released:2023-05-10)

Downscaling simulations of MIROC6 (the sixth version of Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate) data using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were performed to investigate future changes in the Japan Sea polar airmass convergence zones (JPCZs) related to heavy snowfall events in the Sea of Japan–side region of central and northern Japan. WRF downscaling simulations showed a northward shift of JPCZs and the associated changes in precipitation distribution. Rainfall increased significantly over the central part of the Sea of Japan and in the Tohoku region. On the other hand, snowfall decreased significantly over the entire Sea of Japan. However, there was a significant increase in snowfall in the inland mountainous areas of the Tohoku region. Jet streaks shift northward in the future climate, which was confirmed in the MIROC6 data. Reflecting such future environments, WRF downscaling simulations showed that a mesoscale cyclonic circulation anomaly passing over Hokkaido from the Sea of Japan, which is not resolved by MIROC6, contributes to the northward shift of JPCZs and the associated changes in rainfall and snowfall.


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#SOLA early online release A projection of future JPCZs by WRF dynamical downscaling simulations based on MIROC6 ScenarioMIP ssp585 https://t.co/efdSIEUbn6
#九州大学 の研究グループは局地的豪雪をもたらす日本海寒帯気団収束帯が今世紀末にはどのように変化し、日本海沿岸地域の降水分布にどのような変化をもたらすのかを初めて予測し、その変化の要因を明らかにしました。 https://t.co/GEkqNsdnU7 https://t.co/xak5oCeneY #九大研究成果 #九大 #KyushuU
論文: Kawano, T., Yasukiyo, R., Kawamura, R., Mochizuki, T. (2023). A projection of future JPCZs by WRF dynamical downscaling simulations based on MIROC6 ScenarioMIP ssp585, SOLA, 2023-014 https://t.co/ZVjA5D56WJ
掲載誌:Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere タイトル:A projection of future JPCZs by WRF dynamical downscaling simulations based on MIROC6 ScenarioMIP ssp585 著者名:Tetsuya Kawano, Rina Yasukiyo, Ryuichi Kawamura, and Takashi Mochizuki DOI: https://t.co/sTWxNyQDjR

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