Tetsuya Kawano Rina Yasukiyo Ryuichi Kawamura Takashi Mochizuki
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2023-014, (Released:2023-05-10)

Downscaling simulations of MIROC6 (the sixth version of Model for Interdisciplinary Research on Climate) data using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were performed to investigate future changes in the Japan Sea polar airmass convergence zones (JPCZs) related to heavy snowfall events in the Sea of Japan–side region of central and northern Japan. WRF downscaling simulations showed a northward shift of JPCZs and the associated changes in precipitation distribution. Rainfall increased significantly over the central part of the Sea of Japan and in the Tohoku region. On the other hand, snowfall decreased significantly over the entire Sea of Japan. However, there was a significant increase in snowfall in the inland mountainous areas of the Tohoku region. Jet streaks shift northward in the future climate, which was confirmed in the MIROC6 data. Reflecting such future environments, WRF downscaling simulations showed that a mesoscale cyclonic circulation anomaly passing over Hokkaido from the Sea of Japan, which is not resolved by MIROC6, contributes to the northward shift of JPCZs and the associated changes in rainfall and snowfall.
Keita Fujiwara Ryuichi Kawamura
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-029, (Released:2022-07-25)

This study investigated a recent tendency of interannual precipitation variations during the Baiu season (June–July) in southern Kyushu, Japan. Long-term satellite precipitation observations revealed a significant amplification of the interannual variability of Baiu precipitation after the beginning of this century and the appearance of a quasi-quadrennial variation (QQV). Composite analyses with respect to the unstable regime of Baiu activity when the QQV prevailed suggested a possible link between the Indo-western Pacific Ocean Capacitor (IPOC) mode and the QQV. Regression analyses with an IPOC index showed the dominance of an anomalous anticyclone in the lower troposphere centered over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea and enhanced poleward moisture transport along its western periphery. The interdecadal shift in remote IPOC influence seen around the year 2000 featured the westward (northward) extension of the low-level anomalous anticyclone toward the Bay of Bengal (southern Japan); consequently, the significant moisture flux convergence area covered southern Kyushu during the unstable Baiu regime, consistent with the QQV appearance during the same period. It is also inferred that the IPOC mode modulation may come from the increased impact of central Pacific El Niño/Southern Oscillation on the IPOC in recent decades.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15A, pp.13-18, 2019 (Released:2019-06-15)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
Keita Fujiwara Ryuichi Kawamura
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.181-186, 2022 (Released:2022-08-31)

This study investigated a recent tendency of interannual precipitation variations during the Baiu season (June–July) in southern Kyushu, Japan. Long-term satellite precipitation observations revealed a significant amplification of the interannual variability of Baiu precipitation after the beginning of this century and the appearance of a quasi-quadrennial variation (QQV). Composite analyses with respect to the unstable regime of Baiu activity when the QQV prevailed suggested a possible link between the Indo-western Pacific Ocean Capacitor (IPOC) mode and the QQV. Regression analyses with an IPOC index showed the dominance of an anomalous anticyclone in the lower troposphere centered over the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea and enhanced poleward moisture transport along its western periphery. The interdecadal shift in remote IPOC influence seen around the year 2000 featured the westward (northward) extension of the low-level anomalous anticyclone toward the Bay of Bengal (southern Japan); consequently, the significant moisture flux convergence area covered southern Kyushu during the unstable Baiu regime, consistent with the QQV appearance during the same period. It is also inferred that the IPOC mode modulation may come from the increased impact of central Pacific El Niño/Southern Oscillation on the IPOC in recent decades.
Satoshi Iizuka Ryuichi Kawamura Hisashi Nakamura Toru Miyama
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.17A-004, (Released:2020-12-21)

Typhoon Hagibis (2019) caused widespread flooding and damage over eastern Japan. The associated rainfall maxima were primarily observed on the windward mountain slopes along with the west of the leading edge of a low-level front. Concomitantly, a significant positive value in sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) was observed in association with an ocean eddy over the Oyashio region, together with anomalous warmth over the entire western North Pacific. The present study examines the role of the SSTAs in the rainfall distribution associated with Hagibis, to deepen our understanding of the influence of the midlatitude ocean on tropical cyclones and associated rainfall. Our sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the observed warm SSTAs had the potential to displace the rainfall caused by Hagibis inland and thereby acted to increase precipitation along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Our results suggest that midlatitude SSTAs on ocean-eddy scales can also influence the synoptic-scale atmospheric front and associated heavy rainfall.
Keita Fujiwara Ryuichi Kawamura Tetsuya Kawano
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.151-156, 2020 (Released:2020-08-09)

This study investigated the remote impact of an increase in latent heat flux (LHF) over the Kuroshio on tropical cyclone (TC) development, using a cloud-resolving model. A control run and a sensitivity experiment with Kuroshio's LHF artificially enhanced were performed for Typhoon Chaba in 2010. The TC development simulated in the sensitivity experiment was suppressed as compared with the control run. The sensitivity experiment demonstrated that eyewall convection and the associated TC secondary circulation were suppressed by a decrease in equivalent potential temperature (θe) around the eyewall through the lower θe penetration into the inner core region in the boundary layer. The dynamic features of the TC were also altered by the attenuated TC secondary circulation through the inhibition of the inward advection of the absolute angular momentum. The super-gradient tangential velocities in the inner core were smaller than those in the control run. Such thermodynamic and dynamic changes were remotely induced by the decrease in moisture import from the Kuroshio. Since the increased LHF facilitated the development of a surface low over the Kuroshio, the intensified low further accumulated the Kuroshio's vapor and suppressed low-level northeasterlies toward the TC, resulting in interrupting the moisture import into the TC.
Tetsuya Kawano Ryuichi Kawamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.1-5, 2018 (Released:2018-01-18)

To investigate the influence of the distribution of sea ice in the Sea of Okhotsk on the behavior of a severe snowstorm, which occurred in Hokkaido, Japan, on 2 March 2013 and which was associated with an explosive cyclone, three WRF simulations with realistic, reduced, and enhanced sea ice-cover were carried out. A comparison among these experiments reveals that the extent of the sea ice influenced low-level temperatures and winds to the rear of the cyclone center during the development of the explosive cyclone over the Sea of Okhotsk. Sea ice insulates the ocean from heat exchange with the atmosphere. As a result, when the Okhotsk sea ice extent reaches Hokkaido Island, cold air masses from the north traverse the island without first being heated by the ocean. The consequent temperature reduction produces a low-level higher pressure region to the rear of the cyclone center. As a result, a large geopotential gradient is generated just to the rear of the cyclone center, and low-level winds are intensified within this region. Therefore, the Okhotsk sea ice extent reaching Hokkaido Island plays a significant role in lowering temperatures and intensifying winds in the island.
Tetsuya Kawano Ryuichi Kawamura
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.205-210, 2022 (Released:2022-09-28)

In this study, we investigated the remote effect of warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Kuroshio region of the East China Sea (ECS) on heavy rainfall that occurred in southern Kyushu, Japan, on 3 July 2020 using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. To examine the effect, a simulation with realistic SSTs and two simulations with reduced SSTs in the ECS Kuroshio region were performed. Backward- and forward-trajectory analyses showed that low-level parcels in the simulation with warmer SSTs in the ECS Kuroshio region possessed larger amounts of water vapor than those in the reduced-SST experiments. The difference in the water-vapor amounts of low-level parcels between the simulations with warmer and colder SSTs remained until the parcels started to ascend in the heavy rainfall area. In addition, there were many more parcels with extremely large amounts of water vapor in the simulation with warmer SSTs. Such an increase in low-level water-vapor amounts under warmer SST conditions in the ECS Kuroshio region led not only to enhancement of the precipitation source but also to atmospheric destabilization, resulting in the production of a large amount of precipitation.
Tetsuya Kawano Ryuichi Kawamura
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-033, (Released:2022-08-05)

In this study, we investigated the remote effect of warm sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Kuroshio region of the East China Sea (ECS) on heavy rainfall that occurred in southern Kyushu, Japan on 3 July 2020 using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. To examine the effect, a simulation with realistic SSTs and two simulations with reduced SSTs in the ECS Kuroshio region were performed. Backward- and forward-trajectory analyses showed that low-level parcels in the simulation with warmer SSTs in the ECS Kuroshio region possessed larger amounts of water vapor than those in the reduced-SST experiments. The difference in the water-vapor amounts of low-level parcels between the simulations with warmer and colder SSTs remained until the parcels started to ascend in the heavy rainfall area. In addition, there were many more parcels with extremely large amounts of water vapor in the simulation with warmer SSTs. Such an increase in low-level water-vapor amounts under warmer SST conditions in the ECS Kuroshio region led not only to enhancement of the precipitation source but also to atmospheric destabilization, resulting in the production of a large amount of precipitation.
Satoshi Iizuka Ryuichi Kawamura Hisashi Nakamura Toru Miyama
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17A, no.Special_Edition, pp.21-28, 2021 (Released:2021-02-23)

Typhoon Hagibis (2019) caused widespread flooding and damage over eastern Japan. The associated rainfall maxima were primarily observed on the windward mountain slopes along with the west of the leading edge of a low-level front. Concomitantly, a significant positive value in sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTAs) was observed in association with an ocean eddy over the Oyashio region, together with anomalous warmth over the entire western North Pacific. The present study examines the role of the SSTAs in the rainfall distribution associated with Hagibis, to deepen our understanding of the influence of the midlatitude ocean on tropical cyclones and associated rainfall. Our sensitivity experiments demonstrate that the observed warm SSTAs had the potential to displace the rainfall caused by Hagibis inland and thereby acted to increase precipitation along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. Our results suggest that midlatitude SSTAs on ocean-eddy scales can also influence the synoptic-scale atmospheric front and associated heavy rainfall.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.15A-003, (Released:2019-05-17)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
Keita Fujiwara Ryuichi Kawamura Tetsuya Kawano
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-026, (Released:2020-07-03)

This study investigated the remote impact of an increase in latent heat flux (LHF) over the Kuroshio on tropical cyclone (TC) development, using a cloud-resolving model. A control run and a sensitivity experiment with Kuroshio's LHF artificially enhanced were performed for Typhoon Chaba in 2010. The TC development simulated in the sensitivity experiment was suppressed as compared with the control run. The sensitivity experiment demonstrated that eyewall convection and the associated TC secondary circulation were suppressed by a decrease in equivalent potential temperature (θe) around the eyewall through the lower θe penetration into the inner core region in the boundary layer. The dynamic features of the TC were also altered by the attenuated TC secondary circulation through the inhibition of the inward advection of the absolute angular momentum. The super-gradient tangential velocities in the inner core were smaller than those in the control run. Such thermodynamic and dynamic changes were remotely induced by the decrease in moisture import from the Kuroshio. Since the increased LHF facilitated the development of a surface low over the Kuroshio, the intensified low further accumulated the Kuroshio's vapor and suppressed low-level northeasterlies toward the TC, resulting in interrupting the moisture import into the TC.
Ai Hiraoka Ryuichi Kawamura Kimpei Ichiyanagi Masahiro Tanoue Kei Yoshimura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.7, pp.141-144, 2011 (Released:2011-09-22)
7 7

By applying the Japanese long-term Re-Analysis project (JRA-25) and the Japan Meteorological Agency Climate Data Assimilation System (JCDAS) data to a Rayleigh-type global one-layer isotope circulation model, we performed a long-term simulation and examined how water vapor is remotely transported to the vicinity of Japan from water source regions during the early summer rainy (Baiu) season. We validated the model outputs, comparing them with the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios (δD and δ18O) of precipitation observed at two in situ sites in southern and central Japan during the 2010 Baiu, and determined that the correlations between the simulation and observation are comparable to those in precipitation in Thailand from August to October when the Asian summer monsoon withdraws. The model results demonstrate that the Baiu is characterized by relatively low values of δD and that the δD values over central Japan are lower than those over southern Japan. When the Baiu commences, Indian Ocean water increases rapidly and then contributes substantially to the total precipitable water until the withdrawal of the Baiu, which is partially responsible for the low values of δD. Once the Baiu withdraws, alternatively, Pacific Ocean water occupies most of the total precipitable water. Another signature of its withdrawal is the decrease in land water of the Eurasian continent. It is also clear that the intrusion of the Indian Ocean water into central Japan remained until the end of August in the extremely cool summers of 1993 and 2003, which is interpreted as an extraordinary persistence of the Baiu period.
Ryuichi Kawamura Takuya Ogasawara
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.2, pp.37-40, 2006 (Released:2006-03-21)
30 47

The extratropical response to typhoon-related convective forcing over the western North Pacific in late summer is examined based on ECMWF global reanalysis (ERA-40) data during the 1958-2001 period. Typhoon activity is intimately associated with most of the major events in which an extratropical wavetrain structure prevails from the north of the Philippines through the central North Pacific. The vertical structure of the wavetrain pattern changes from baroclinic to a barotropic along the great circle. The analysis of the wave activity flux indicates that the extratropical wavetrain is stimulated by stationary Rossby waves. It was found that one or two typhoons, which are a synoptic-scale convective heat source over the western North Pacific, can induce the barotropic Rossby wavetrain and significantly influence the summer weather in the vicinity of Japan as remote forcing.