長澤 和輝 畔蒜 洋平 児玉 ゆう子 平田 竹男
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.31, no.3, pp.3_351-3_359, 2021 (Released:2021-07-24)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the reasons why Japanese football players can play in the Bundesliga for multiple years. In this survey, we had interviews with five Japanese football players who played in the Bundesliga for over five seasons. The contents of the interviews were analyzed by SCAT (Steps for Coding and Theorization) method and extracted the same factors. As a result, it was found that they focused on building a relationship of trust with their coaches. They had the flexibility to change their playing style and position to match the coach's desired football style. In order to continue to be selected as a member of a match in the Bundesliga, not only high level football skills but also ability to adapt to the intentions of the coach are required. From the above results, it was suggested that in order to continue playing in overseas leagues, aspects other than soccer skills, such as tactics and understanding of the coach's ideas, are also important.


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インタビュー対象が香川、長谷部、大迫、内田諸々。どんなネットワークかと思ったら、著者が名古屋の長澤選手。なるほど。⇒J-STAGE Articles - 日本人プロサッカー選手の海外リーグ定着の要因-ドイツ・ブンデスリーガに在籍した選手の事例から- https://t.co/hu5n1daeYv
名古屋の長澤が書いた論文みっけた 結構面白い論文だし、他の五大リーグとか五大リーグ以外でも変わるのか気になるな J-STAGE Articles - 日本人プロサッカー選手の海外リーグ定着の要因-ドイツ・ブンデスリーガに在籍した選手の事例から- https://t.co/BP1nev43Fc

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