伊藤 孝矩 山﨑 重人 光原 昌寿 中島 英治 西田 稔 米村 光治
一般社団法人 日本鉄鋼協会
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
pp.TETSU-2016-107, (Released:2017-03-06)

Creep properties and microstructures for a polycrystalline Ni-based heat-resistant alloy whose grain boundaries were covered by dense intergranular intermetallics were investigated. Creep tests were carries out at 850°C and 80-130 MPa. The creep strength of this alloy was higher than the Alloy617 and HR6W, and equal to the Alloy740, which are pre-existing candidate materials for steam pipes of A-USC power plant. The retardation of acceleration of creep rate was observed characteristically in the creep curves. This retardation behavior was deeply related to the superior creep strength of this alloy. The spherical Ni3Al (γ’) particles were distributed uniformly in the grain interior, whose coarsening behavior was monotonically dependent on the creep time. The intermetallics of Laves phase and σ pahse were formed densely at grain boundary. High coverage ratio of the intergranular intermetallics was maintained until the later stage of acceleration creep region. Therefore, it suggested that the retardation of creep acceleration was not caused by the precipitates behavior of intragranular γ’ particles and intergranular intermetallics, though both the precipitates were understandably effective against the creep strengthening. The plate-like Laves phase was formed in the grain interior during creep. The evolution of volume fraction of intragranular Laves phase depended on not creep time but creep strain. From the results of SEM/EBSD analyses and TEM observations, it revealed that the intragranular Laves phase enhanced the work-hardenability due to the constraint on plasticity and originated the retardation of creep acceleration.


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