平井 幸弘
東北地理 (ISSN:03872777)
vol.35, no.2, pp.81-91, 1983 (Released:2010-04-30)
4 1

This paper explains the formation of lacustrine and sublacustrine microforms of Lake Ogawara, one of the brackish-water lakes in Northeastern Japan, with relation to the lake-level changes after the maximum phase of Postglacial Transgression. In addition to morphological observation, surface-geological survey and bore-hole record analysis were made on land and echo sounding and sediment sampling were made at the lake bottom. Some of the sediments were analysed mineralogically.Various microforms are recognized and mapped and they are classified into the four groups, each of which was formed at the different lake level from others. Chronology of the groups is established on the basis of morphostratigraphy with the aid of tephrochronology and archeology. The results are summarized in the following table.All the microforms discussed were successively formed near the shore line which shifted corresponding to changing lake level within the height range between +4.0m and -1.5m above the present sea-level. The small difference in height causes the partial superposition of younger microforms to older ones. It contributes to the development of apparent littoral shelves which are in fact composed of several microforms of different ages in late Holocene. The fact that the littoral shelves of Japanese brackish-water lakes are wider in general than those of inland lakes will be partially explained by the processes as above.


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「この貝塚で縄文前期末から中期中葉にかけての土器を伴う層からは、ホタテ・サルボウ・ハマグリ・シオフキ・アサリなどの鹹水性の貝が出士し、中期中葉以降の土器包含層では、淡水性のヤマトシジミが主となっている(村越、1964)」 平井, 1983, 東北地理 https://t.co/Niry1cjPKQ

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