星野 聖 斎藤 正男
一般社団法人 映像情報メディア学会
テレビジョン学会技術報告 (ISSN:03864227)
vol.16, no.20, pp.7-12, 1992-03-10 (Released:2017-10-06)

The purpose of this study is to non-restrictively and objectively estimate visual fatigue caused by VDT tasks. The dynamics of pupillary responses to the square-wave light stimuli were analyzed with a closed-loop videopupillograph: the changes in the latency, amplitude, velocity and retentivity of miosis and mydriasis were investigated before and after the VDT task. The changes in critical flicker frequency (CFF) were also measured. It was found that the velocities of miosis and mydriasis were highly correlated with the degree of visual fatigue, which suggests a disorganization of the autonomic nervous system due to VDT work.


外部データベース (DOI)

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