
外部データベース (DOI)

Twitter (42 users, 44 posts, 51 favorites)

https://t.co/ydc0xuciMY https://t.co/FmZ8F652Yx https://t.co/9avCeAubbX https://t.co/FPvMXF1sTm https://t.co/2kYrn8t1CC (今書いてる論文の文献一覧から)
@covid_clarity https://t.co/yzb0bDpB6B https://t.co/wkMHve8oZy
(4/11) 一方日本政府は、下記の押谷論文を根拠に、クラスター対策のみで十分であり、「無症状も対象とするPCR検査の拡大は不要」との立場です。この日本政府の主張の不可解さを説明するために、例えとして「ラーメン定食は禁止すべき」を用います。https://t.co/ypd8JOX3M1
"One way to do this is cluster investigations, or “backwards contact tracing”, which have been a key feature of the thus far successful response in Japan." Ref Cluster-based approach to COVID-19 response in Japan—February–April 2020 https://t.co/oFDi8D7EXD
@eggersnsf @keiserolivia @BAG_OFSP_UFSP Here is their Japanese explanation of their approach to contact tracing (4 pages): https://t.co/BBabVBmnIj How it fits in their general approach to Covid ("cluster-busting"): https://t.co/jCRTd87D8X Standard contact form (we could ask for translation): https://t.co/MWaXnFORTd https://t.co/Hdp0ZERk7I
@edwhittaker @nataliexdean @kj_seung @PIH https://t.co/5aTCoHNW9i https://t.co/sevODQPrva https://t.co/lMOTuQPMnZ
Oshitani H (2020) _Japanese J Infectious Diseases_ / “Cluster-based approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) response in Japan—February–April 2020” https://t.co/7qhGFjDV6D #japanmodel

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