ごとーゆーすけ (@gottsu43)


RT @SOLA_metsoc: #SOLA paper "Observed Concentric Eyewalls of Supertyphoon Hinnamnor (2022)" by Kanada & Nishii https://t.co/PokAAuxUF0…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Moroda et al., Lightning Bubbles Caused by Upward Reflectivity Pulses above Precipitation Cores…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Localized Heavy R…
本日、人生1本目の査読付き論文(First Author)が本公開されました。 東京周辺での夏季極端降水現象の話をしてます。 今やってる研究とは異なりますが、論文をpublishできたことは非常に嬉しいです! 今やってる研究(レーダー気象学系)も頑張ろ〜ってなってます。 https://t.co/fWtMWAanyd
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Locali…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with Trans-basin In…


#SOLA new paper "Bimodal Distribution of Precipitation Found in the Multimodel Climate Prediction over Central Japan in Winter" by Sato, Horinouchi & Kawatani https://t.co/WBuVJKFbap https://t.co/YY3cZYOfx6
#SOLA paper "Observed Concentric Eyewalls of Supertyphoon Hinnamnor (2022)" by Kanada & Nishii https://t.co/PokAAuxUF0 https://t.co/ar2GHmMgMI
こちらの論文が以下から公開になっています! https://t.co/zIdeRbZwBZ また本日、大学からプレスリリースも行なってもらいました。 https://t.co/89ghYMKDjK https://t.co/e9La1mPGc8
Sola early online release: Kawano and Kawamura, Remote Effect of Kuroshio Warm SSTs in the East China Sea on Heavy Rainfall in Southern Kyushu, Japan on 3 July 2020, SOLA, vol.18, DOI:10.2151/sola.2022-033, #SOLA, https://t.co/mbIgnT1fS2
Sola early online release: Moroda et al., Lightning Bubbles Caused by Upward Reflectivity Pulses above Precipitation Cores of a Thundercloud, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-018, https://t.co/DMXq5nJJZC
Sola new paper: Seto, S., Examining the Consistency of Precipitation Rate Estimates between the TRMM and GPM Ku-Band Radars, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 53-57, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-009, https://t.co/P9TjpCN8IT https://t.co/2y99nxqj89
Sola new paper: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Localized Heavy Rainfall in the Afternoon of Summer Days around Tokyo, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 8-12, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-002, https://t.co/BvkVTBL6ji https://t.co/eHd2LbwuFF
Sola early online release: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Localized Heavy Rainfall in the Afternoon of Summer Days around Tokyo, SOLA, Vol.18, doi: 10.2151/sola.2022-002, https://t.co/5svZJZwRi9
Sola early online release: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with Trans-basin Indo-Pacific connections, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17B, doi:10.2151/sola.17B-001, https://t.co/RP1RAyEN47
Sola early online release: Kondo et al., Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes for winter snowfall events in Hokkaido: A case study of snowfall by winter monsoon, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-012, https://t.co/GL1og3mnzn
Sola new paper: Duc et al., Forecasts of the July 2020 Kyushu Heavy Rain Using a 1000-Member Ensemble Kalman Filter, SOLA, VOL.17, 41-47, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-007, https://t.co/oNr37ReRc1 https://t.co/9GnV99ApvW
Sola new paper: Araki et al., Characteristics of Atmospheric Environments of Quasi-Stationary Convective Bands in Kyushu, Japan during the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, 2021,VOL.17, 8-15, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-002, https://t.co/42h4ZiWYBx https://t.co/QTyHPVeXrt
The SOLA Award in 2020. Dr. Fumiaki Fujibe "Temperature anomaly in the Tokyo metropolitan area during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) self-restraint period" https://t.co/UQrm173Qm2 https://t.co/mhdLYVXeF6
Sola early online release: Katsuyama and Inatsu, Advantage of volume scanning video disdrometer in solid-precipitation observation, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-006, https://t.co/fKVwjXbD1h
令和2年7月豪雨の論文を書きました.豪雨時に発生した線状降水帯9事例の多くで梅雨前線上のメソ低気圧が大気下層の水蒸気流入を強化し,短時間の大雨を多発させていたことがわかりました.線状降水帯の高精度予測にメソ低気圧の監視・予測が有効である可能性を示唆しています.https://t.co/KsZG0v1g8P https://t.co/458TQHC8VE
New Graphical Abstract has just come out. https://t.co/53HakYP3jJ Min, K.-S. et al., 2021: Formation mechanism of a stationary line-shaped precipitation system in the Kinki District, Japan -Case study on 1 September 2015 event- https://t.co/mdSP5xNV7U https://t.co/zfvYN6liTI
New Graphical Abstract! https://t.co/wyQCycuzWk Kawano, T., and R. Kawamura, 2020: Genesis and maintenance processes of a quasi-stationary convective band that produced record-breaking precipitation in northern Kyushu, Japan on 5 July 2017. JMSJ, 98, https://t.co/8nxGMbEmLB. https://t.co/YnhefuWSku
Sola new paper: Shiogama et al., Selecting Future Climate Projections of Surface Solar Radiation in Japan, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 75-79, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-013, https://t.co/pN8WzHXpoP https://t.co/BziPmJiwxW

