さくらもち (@Sakuramoch_)


うちの研究室の先輩の研究(Naoi et al. 2020)によれば、冬La Niña→夏El Niño時はサブハイの強化に伴い大気の川の頻度が高まる結果が得られてる(が、事例が少ない感じ?)。改めてちゃんと読んでみるか。 https://t.co/4ETVz05eZj https://t.co/2qFBNi6lLu
釜江先生によるオホーツク海の海氷面積の一時的な減少が移動性低気圧の進入に関連することを示した論文。一度議論にさせていただいたことがあり、謝辞に私の名前も載せてくれています。 Kamae et al. 2023, JMSJ https://t.co/Mjth9whOQy
RT @climatelab1: 博士課程学生と取り組んだ研究成果です。論文は以下から誰でも読むことができます。 Kuramochi and Ueda (2023, JMSJ) https://t.co/7GbTEF8LZi
こちらの論文が以下から公開になっています! https://t.co/zIdeRbZwBZ また本日、大学からプレスリリースも行なってもらいました。 https://t.co/89ghYMKDjK https://t.co/e9La1mPGc8
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kobayashi et al., Extremely Weak Cold-Air Mass Flux and Extratropical Direct Meridional Circulation Linke…
2019/20年の暖冬について、CAMを用いた気象研の小林さんの論文が公開になってた!自身の研究テーマ的にも必必必読。私の論文(Kuramochi et al. 2021)も引用していただいてる(おそらく人生初の被引用)
Matsuno(1966)の浅水方程式の無次元化、いつかなぞろうと思ってて、ようやく手を動かしてみたけど、なかなか気持ちが良かった。 https://t.co/fpAUhANhrg
RT @climatelab1: 令和2年7月豪雨に関する研究(Ueda et al. 2021; SOLA)が公開されました。 https://t.co/3vFtq4v8js 報道発表→ https://t.co/QLGgxBz3Zg
RT @climatelab1: 2019/20年の記録的暖冬に関する研究(Kuramochi et al. 2021; SOLA)が公開されました。 https://t.co/MuYYstJNZD 報道発表→ https://t.co/lVCx02lnph
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola new paper: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia Associated with Trans-basin Indo-Pacific…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with Trans-basin In…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Ishiyama and Tanaka, Analysis of Vorticity Budget for a Developing Extraordinary Arctic Cyclone…
RT @SOLA_metsoc: Sola early online release: Kondo et al., Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes for winter snowfall events in Hokkaido:…
この図は、冬→夏のENSOの組み合わせで合成解析した夏の図。ラニーニャ(冬)→ニュートラル(夏)が左、→エルニーニョ(夏)が右。プロットは大気の川の発生頻度(青色ほど多い)。 これだけ見ると来夏の降水はENSOの状態に依る感じですね。海洋の予測が大事になるな。 (参考: https://t.co/tU2rgf1WfR) https://t.co/AxXmFngn33 https://t.co/wlck1SvkTa
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/zEBsMaQuLM Iwakiri, T., and M. Watanabe, 2020: Multiyear La Niña impact on summer…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: Just published! Naoi, M., Y. Kamae, H. Ueda, and W. Mei, 2020: Impacts of seasonal transitions of ENSO on atmospheric riv…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract: https://t.co/fwOAbXSD0P Song, H.-J., S. Kim, S. Roh, and H. Lee, 2020: Difference between Cloud…
RT @JMSJ_metsoc: A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/D2r0o0wKbS Kawabata, Y., and M. Yamaguchi, 2020: Probability ellipse for tropical…


#SOLA new paper "Regional Extreme Precipitation Events in Wintertime Japan Facilitated by East-Asian Large-Scale Flow Patterns" by T. Matsunobu et al. https://t.co/lTbl4v67tq
New Online Release of JMSJ Vol. 101, No.2 (April 2023): Kamae Y., H. Ueda, T. Inoue and H. Mitsudera, 2023: Atmospheric circulations associated with sea-ice reduction events in the Okhotsk Sea. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 101, 125-137. https://t.co/tkkflqp5r8 https://t.co/KQqyFdGHlE https://t.co/HGZUkP8bFE
博士課程学生と取り組んだ研究成果です。論文は以下から誰でも読むことができます。 Kuramochi and Ueda (2023, JMSJ) https://t.co/7GbTEF8LZi https://t.co/pfOc5EstjP
JPCZ(日本海寒帯気団収束帯)についてよく知りたいな…という皆様にお知らせです。 JMSJのEito et al. (2010)で、風向に直交する筋状雲の構造と発生メカニズムについて詳細に調査されていますので、お勧めです。(JMSJ編集委員なので、こっそり宣伝…) https://t.co/qcrIttyKO6 https://t.co/whabkkRgqo
Sola early online release: Takemura and Mukougawa, Mechanism for the Abnormal Extension of North Pacific Subtropical High toward Japan in Late June 2022, SOLA, DOI:10.2151/sola.2023-001, #SOLA, https://t.co/jV8jdd5Nh9
Sola new paper: Amane Nakamura and Tsubasa Kohyama, Reconsidering the Oscillation Center of the El Niño Southern Oscillation, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18, 236-242, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-038, https://t.co/38kEAZBXfS, #SOLA https://t.co/4YooGoEtgS
Sola new paper: Keita Fujiwara and Ryuichi Kawamura, Appearance of a Quasi-Quadrennial Variation in Baiu Precipitation in Southern Kyushu, Japan, after the Beginning of This Century, SOLA, 2022, Vol. 18, 181-186, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-029, https://t.co/T67OnMFk1j , #SOLA https://t.co/fNqBNKOys8
Sola early online release: Usui et al., Numerical Simulations and Trajectory Analyses of Local “Karakkaze” Wind: a Case that could have Contributed to an Aircraft Accident at Narita Airport on 23 March 2009, SOLA, vol.18, DOI:10.2151/sola.2022-023 https://t.co/G4iaPYjI3z
Sola new paper: Goto and Satoh, Statistical Analysis of “Senjo-Kousuitai” in East Asia and Characteristics of Associated Large-Scale Circulations in the Baiu Season, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18A, 15-20, doi:10.2151/sola.18A-003, https://t.co/zUDwgfgVtx https://t.co/YVlrPX1dRg
論文でました!まだ早期公開資料ですが無料で見れます。 日本での気候変動影響評価・適応政策の研究に今後使われるデータセットの元となる5つの気候モデルの特性を調べました。 Assessment of CMIP6-based future climate projections selected for impact studies in Japan https://t.co/BVVsrxhZZp
Sola new paper: Kuroda et al., Influence of Stratospheric Variability on the Winter-Mean Polar Tropospheric Climate, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 47-52, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-008, https://t.co/qk62k9M7zX https://t.co/sLapOYgtbo
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/s81ikuWAou Mogi, A., and M. Watanabe, 2022: Qualifying contributions of teleconnection patterns to extremely hot summers in Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/g6ZYkTJmLS. https://t.co/2CJe5Vpgb7
Sola new paper: Maejima et al., Observing System Simulation Experiments of a Rich Phased Array Weather Radar Network Covering Kyushu for the July 2020 Heavy Rainfall Event, SOLA, Vol.18, 25-32, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-005, https://t.co/z6uonoqNQY https://t.co/cr3wsNbibh
本日、人生1本目の査読付き論文(First Author)が本公開されました。 東京周辺での夏季極端降水現象の話をしてます。 今やってる研究とは異なりますが、論文をpublishできたことは非常に嬉しいです! 今やってる研究(レーダー気象学系)も頑張ろ〜ってなってます。 https://t.co/fWtMWAanyd
Sola new paper: Kobayashi et al., Extremely Weak Cold-Air Mass Flux and Extratropical Direct Meridional Circulation Linked to the Record-Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia, SOLA, 2022, Vol.18, 1-7, doi:10.2151/sola.2022-001, https://t.co/ikvaSmD7V6 https://t.co/0111aaN4lP
Sola early online release: Goto and Sato, Relationship between the Upper-level Winds and the Horizontal Movement of Localized Heavy Rainfall in the Afternoon of Summer Days around Tokyo, SOLA, Vol.18, doi: 10.2151/sola.2022-002, https://t.co/5svZJZwRi9
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/4dQBtuRZCF Takahashi, C., Y. Imada, and M. Watanabe, 2022: Influence of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on wintertime extreme snowfall and precipitation in Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 100, https://t.co/lf7dwPEXCj. https://t.co/HXQ9uzYk4u
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/NH2yFrxLRw Nur'utami and Hayasaka, 2022: Interannual variability of the Indonesian rainfall and air–sea interaction over the Indo–Pacific associated with IPO phases in the dry season. JMSJ,100, https://t.co/69QBy0wbfR. https://t.co/NEpljm5tUr
Sola early online release: Kawai et al., High sensitivity of Asian dust emission, transport, and climate impacts to threshold friction velocity, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-042, https://t.co/OkmNC3tzAq
New Graphical Abstract of JMSJ now available online! https://t.co/VYGVGtbAWW Endo, H., A. Kitoh, R. Mizuta, and T. Ose, 2021: Different future changes between early and late summer monsoon precipitation in East Asia J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/FyEZa0yWG5 https://t.co/d8ihEKv1p1
2019/20年の記録的暖冬に関する研究(Kuramochi et al. 2021; SOLA)が公開されました。 https://t.co/MuYYstJNZD 報道発表→ https://t.co/lVCx02lnph
令和2年7月豪雨に関する研究(Ueda et al. 2021; SOLA)が公開されました。 https://t.co/3vFtq4v8js 報道発表→ https://t.co/QLGgxBz3Zg
Sola new paper: Ueda et al., Enhanced Subtropical Anticyclone over the Indo–Pacific Ocean Associated with Stagnation of the Meiyu–Baiu Rainband during Summer, 2020, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17B,14-18, doi:10.2151/sola.17B-002, https://t.co/v3PheXtMGa https://t.co/oThvtIFB9y
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/4dAGcQlku0 Ikeda T., and H. Kusaka, 2021: Development of models for predicting the number of patients with heatstroke on the next day considering heat acclimatization. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 99, https://t.co/rbQ6jy6lR9 https://t.co/aWxk7RClfA
Sola new paper: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia Associated with Trans-basin Indo-Pacific Connections, SOLA, Vol.17B, 9-13, doi:10.2151/sola.17B-001, https://t.co/GhYlNAjeIh https://t.co/esekOeMl5c
New JMSJ Online Publication at J-Stage Released! https://t.co/H3yVV2JoLy Song, J. et al., 2021: Recent weakening of the interannual relationship between ENSO Modoki and boreal summer tropical cyclone frequency over the western North Pacific. JMSJ, 99, 1071-1088. https://t.co/yCMVtAAWiN
Sola early online release: Takemura and Mukougawa, Tropical Cyclogenesis Triggered by Rossby Wave Breaking over the Western North Pacific, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-029, https://t.co/HrlIwYhRlv
Sola early online release: Kuramochi et al., Anomalous Warm Winter 2019/2020 over East Asia associated with Trans-basin Indo-Pacific connections, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17B, doi:10.2151/sola.17B-001, https://t.co/RP1RAyEN47
Sola early online release: Ueda et al., Enhanced subtropical anticyclone over the Indo–Pacific Ocean associated with stagnation of the Meiyu–Baiu rainband during summer, 2020, SOLA, 2021, Vol.17B, doi:10.2151/sola.17B-002, https://t.co/GYFyEvjeVK
Sola early online release: Ishiyama and Tanaka, Analysis of Vorticity Budget for a Developing Extraordinary Arctic Cyclone in August 2016, SOLA, 2021, VOL.17, 10.2151/sola.2021-020, https://t.co/QzKh6StZqu
Sola early online release: Kondo et al., Evaluation of cloud microphysical schemes for winter snowfall events in Hokkaido: A case study of snowfall by winter monsoon, SOLA, VOL.17, doi:10.2151/sola.2021-012, https://t.co/GL1og3mnzn
New Graphical Abstract now available online! https://t.co/3dXT7rB6XT Takemura, K., T. Enomoto, and H. Mukougawa, 2021: Predictability of enhanced monsoon trough related to the meandered Asian jet and consequent Rossby wave breaking in late August 2016. https://t.co/14M1rC7BaH. https://t.co/IQfqp6asPW
A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/zEBsMaQuLM Iwakiri, T., and M. Watanabe, 2020: Multiyear La Niña impact on summer temperature over Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/vuLvbJW6OX https://t.co/orr3xJkI2X
ラニーニャと日本の夏の天候について再検証したIwakiri and Watanabe (2020) https://t.co/c8czr7eiSF によると、ラニーニャが発達し出した年の秋には全国的に高温、さらにラニーニャが翌年まで持続した場合には、北日本で猛暑になることが、観測およびモデル実験から確認されました。
A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/0nLcxY0rlt Harada, Y., H. Endo, and K. Takemura, 2020: Characteristics of large-scale atmospheric fields during heavy rainfall events in western Japan: Comparison with an extreme event in early July 2018. JMSJ, 98, https://t.co/nh7b7dvcQa. https://t.co/GDmZxAvflW
A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/OPCbLp40ON Takemura, K., and H. Mukougawa, 2020: Maintenance mechanism of Rossby wave breaking and Pacific-Japan pattern in boreal summer. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/BEK8qTku3I. https://t.co/R2T8ysJvcU
Just published! Naoi, M., Y. Kamae, H. Ueda, and W. Mei, 2020: Impacts of seasonal transitions of ENSO on atmospheric river activity over East Asia. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, 655-668. https://t.co/Jx1L9q10iC https://t.co/wi9R7nS00c https://t.co/Yhx61e4Rtb
Sola new paper: Li, Y. Enhanced Poleward Propagation of Barotropic Rossby Waves by the Free-Surface Divergent Effect, SOLA, 2020, VOL.16, 92-96, doi:10.2151/sola.2020-016, https://t.co/OLacV5r1pz https://t.co/azSXxGVhLb
A new graphical abstract: https://t.co/cG5CX8smo6 Tsuji, H., C. Yokoyama, and Y. N. Takayabu, 2020: Contrasting features of the July 2018 heavy rainfall event and the 2017 Northern Kyushu rainfall event in Japan. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/L6Pa3rXlyn. https://t.co/Bccta10JdY
A new graphical abstract: https://t.co/fwOAbXSD0P Song, H.-J., S. Kim, S. Roh, and H. Lee, 2020: Difference between Cloud Top Height and Storm Height for heavy rainfall using TRMM measurements. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/KY4rfgRhOe. https://t.co/aLe7ZELozn
A new graphical abstract! https://t.co/D2r0o0wKbS Kawabata, Y., and M. Yamaguchi, 2020: Probability ellipse for tropical cyclone track forecasts with multiple ensembles. J. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 98, https://t.co/aUmNnuwS46. https://t.co/q14NLB2gad

