でかいくま (@kumasan_dekaizo)


RT @NDLJP: 「本の万華鏡」は英語版も作成しています。新たに公開した5本の英語版コンテンツを紹介します。 https://t.co/NylKscZc4n https://t.co/8z65z8FuPD
RT @NDLJP: 「Materials in the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room: The YAMAGATA Aritomo Papers」では、国立国会図書館の憲政資料室で公開されている、山縣有朋から伊…
https://t.co/FaSmmVbZIE 一応リンク 多分今のが最新版と思われる

17 0 0 0 OA 奉教人の死

RT @NDLJP_en: Today is the birthday of #AkutagawaRyunosuke, a Japanese novelist. This is an autographed manuscript of Akutagawa which was t…
RT @NDLJP_en: Pioneering work for #JapaneseStudies.This book is one of the earliest works as a full-scale translation and reproduction of J…

15 0 0 0 OA 十二月遊ひ 2巻

RT @NDLJP_en: This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for Janu…
RT @NDLJP_en: Do you make #snowmen when it snows? Even in the Edo period, people sometimes made snowmen when it snowed, but it looks somewh…


Selfportrait of Katsu Kaishu, statesman and naval engineer of Edo and Meiji periods: https://t.co/Mjq0p4OvRD https://t.co/7xys9ezLn7
「本の万華鏡」は英語版も作成しています。新たに公開した5本の英語版コンテンツを紹介します。 https://t.co/NylKscZc4n https://t.co/8z65z8FuPD
「Materials in the Modern Japanese Political History Materials Room: The YAMAGATA Aritomo Papers」では、国立国会図書館の憲政資料室で公開されている、山縣有朋から伊藤博文に宛てた書簡を紹介しています。https://t.co/F2LAnHC6K1 https://t.co/Fo50Cos25I
イチョウの精子の発見の論文とか https://t.co/LWnUtbqpRv 南方熊楠による粘菌の目録とか https://t.co/DLELZaRgzl
イチョウの精子の発見の論文とか https://t.co/LWnUtbqpRv 南方熊楠による粘菌の目録とか https://t.co/DLELZaRgzl
Pioneering work for #JapaneseStudies.This book is one of the earliest works as a full-scale translation and reproduction of Japanese literature in Europe. Translated by Austrian oriental scholar August Pfizmaier; published in 1847, Vienna. #ndldigital https://t.co/8X82sI0UKn https://t.co/RgCjp8u1Z6

15 0 0 0 OA 十二月遊ひ 2巻

This picture scroll from the early Edo period depicts events of the year and seasonal games in Kyoto. In the picture for January, children are playing vigorously, hitting a ball with a broom and a toy called a buriburi. #ndldigital https://t.co/A11wugut1n https://t.co/BsA9sasVyv
Do you make #snowmen when it snows? Even in the Edo period, people sometimes made snowmen when it snowed, but it looks somewhat different...! #ndldigital https://t.co/lzGeG9tDLP https://t.co/UfaFzGdgYP
#研鑽ジャーナル #読了 #小児看護 「短期入院で計画手術を受けた学童期の子どもの思い」 https://t.co/8dXgkTfua6 入院体験は学童期の発達課題になるため、主体性や自己肯定感の獲得に繋がる。同年代の闘病仲間と励まし合い、仲間意識が芽生える。身体の苦痛は不安に繋がるため除く努力は必要である。

