右田 裕規
京都社会学年報 : KJS
vol.9, pp.93-114, 2001-12-25

The fact that the pictures of the Imperial family of Japan were called "goshin-ei", and were treated as the icons of the religious observance at schools in modern Japan was pointed out by a lot of preceding studies on the "goshin-ei". According to these precedent studies, on festival days of the Imperial family, school students at the prewar days were made to worship pictures of the Imperial family that Japanese government sent to many schools, and through these religious observances at schools, the government succeeded in cultivating the respects for the Imperial family in Japanese people. By the way, many pictures and portraits of the Imperial family of Japan were sold by private merchants, and were printed in newspapers and magazines frequently at prewar days. But preceding studies on the "goshin-ei" treated the pictures of the Imperial family that the government sent to schools exclusively, and didn't refer to the pictures and portraits of the Imperial family sold or distributed by private merchants and the mass media. The purposes of this paper are to elucidate the activities of the Japanese government, the mass media and people around gravures of the Imperial family of Japan in newspapers and magazines at prewar times, and to make clear the mentalities to the Imperial family that these gravures cultivated in Japanese people.


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"皇室グラビアを見つつどんなに「不逞不敬」な読解を為していたとしても天皇が「究極的価値」であることを前提にしたものであるかぎり、それをゆるがすような事態を生むことは ありえなかった" →皇室グラビアの機能

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CiNii 論文 -  「皇室グラビア」と「御真影」--戦前期新聞雑誌における皇室写真の通時的分析 https://t.co/1STEvzPj9r #CiNii あーこれこれ
あとでよもー CiNii 論文 -  「皇室グラビア」と「御真影」--戦前期新聞雑誌における皇室写真の通時的分析 https://t.co/sgUlkOV48F #CiNii
>RT 印刷だの出版だのと関わりがなければ(ひょっとするとあっても?)、そんな感じの認識なんだろうなあ。かつては「皇室グラビア」なんて言葉もあったけれど、もちろん別に露出度は高くなかったはず^^/「皇室グラビア」と「御真影」(PDFです)https://t.co/wlHI4GXeMu …
@mgnkmkr お越し頂きありがとうございました。表象文化論学会にもおいでくださっていたんですね、ありがとうございます。 作家とのやりとりで、わたしが言及した右田さんの論文はこちらです。http://t.co/GRMVtU9r30

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