加藤 隆雄
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
vol.43, pp.136-147, 1988-10-03

Socialization is one of the most important mechanisms in social theory, but socialization theory has scarcely progressed in the past twenty years and the concept of "socialization" has become hollow. The main cause of this stagnation is that socialization has been explained by "internalization", especially by the theories of Parsons and Berger and Luckmann. They all suppose that society and individuals will be connected if individuals internalize the set of values or the signification system. But if internalization means something more than, for example, "acquisition", then what is "the interior"? We have found several inconsistencies if supposing "the interior" is the agent for socialization. We must consider that socialization is no longer an internal affair but is an "external" process, and, as such, socialization must have a societal character. Indeed, internalization is not necessary for the major processes of socialization such as language acquisition, role-taking or imitation and playing games. These are types of interaction, and the child must perform the interaction well with others (mostly its mother). This is what is called Sprachspiel. We can understand the existence of the "take-for-granted" region of everyday life if socialization is accomplished by "social preconsciousness". It functions so as to articulate the types of interaction, i.e. Sprachspiel. The investigation of this preconsciousness will bring us the field of ≪meso-sociology≫.


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