清矢 良崇
教育社会学研究 (ISSN:03873145)
no.54, pp.p5-23, 1994-06

This article is a detailed discussion about how to make use of H. Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The discussion of the paper has three purposes. First, it calls attention to the uniqueness of Sacks' viewpoint of Discourse Analysis in the study of socialization. Secondly, it makes clear the cultural bias found in his actual descriptions of conversational data. Thirdly, it makes a suggestion about an alternative approach to the study of the process of socialization in Japan. The first part of the paper contains a detailed discussion and evaluation of Sacks' lecture called "The Inference-Making Machine: Notes on Observability". The second part of the paper briefly discusses the limitation of his analysis, in relation to the fact that he makes use of Job's story in the Old Testament to describe his conversational data. And the last part of the paper seeks to show how to make use of the stories of Gods in "Kojiki" in order to describe the process of Japanese socialization, and makes an attempt to analyze some conversational data of Japanese adult-child interaction, using the idea of social order found in the story of "Susanoo's crying" as an example of the alternative approach suggested in the paper.


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