上田 純子
公益財団法人 史学会
史学雑誌 (ISSN:00182478)
vol.109, no.11, pp.2014-2042, 2000

This paper explores the decision-making process of the Hagi Domain government during their Bunkyu era reforms, which began in March 1863 and were brought to an end in September 1869 after the bombardment of Shimonoseki and the outbreak of violence in Kyoto. Before the reforms, policy-making functions were carried out by two members of the Karo家老 class, called Ryoshoku両職, who were supported by a small group of lower level officials, the Goyogatachu御用方中. After the reforms, policy-making activities and appeals to the daimyo were both carried out at a newly established Seijido(政事堂;Hall of governance). The officials of the Seijido routinely conducted policy meetings in the presence of the daimyo. These measures aimed at involving a larger range of the warrior class in the consultative process give that process more authority, or potency. The abolition of the Ryoshoku system also aimed at better preparing the domain for war, by emphasising the military role of Karo members and moving the former Goyogatachu officers into military administrative roles.


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文久3年5月29日(1863年7月14日)、中島名左衛門が死去。幕末の長州藩に雇用された洋式砲術家。上田純子「萩藩文久改革期の政治組織」(『史学雑誌』109-11)曰く、世子御前会議で「西洋諸国の軍事的優位を指摘し、下関の手薄な配備を痛切に批判した」後、暗殺された。 https://t.co/7f9iQ9RlY0
上田純子「萩藩文久改革期の政治組織-政事堂の創設と両職制の改編-」(『史学雑誌』109-11、2000年)は、いわゆる長州藩の本藩である萩藩の文久改革期を分析。それによれば、文久期の藩権力中枢は、「自藩士に限らず「有志」を優遇」し、言路洞開や人材登用を推進した。 https://t.co/7f9iQ9RlY0

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