池谷 のぞみ
情報処理学会研究報告情報システムと社会環境(IS) (ISSN:09196072)
vol.1999, no.60, pp.23-28, 1999-07-21

社会学の一アプローチであるエスノメソドロジーは、欧米を中心としてシステム開発関連の研究所に雇い入れられるなどの形でシステム設計者との協力関係が作られ、研究が進められている。研究領域は、CSCWが中心であるが、組織におけるコンピュータも含む協同作業という広い観点からなされていることが多く、情報システムの設計とも密接な関係がある。本報告では、状況における実践的行為の内在的な理解に感心を持つエスノメソドロジーを紹介した上で、情報システム設計との接点として、情報システム設計という行為がそれ自体協同作業であり、また規範を提示するという側面を持つこと、さらにエスノメソドロジーがめざす実践的行為の内在的理解がシステム設計に持ちうる意義、という二点を挙げ、それぞれについて考察を試みる。There have been some collaborative relationships developed between sociologists who take an approach called 'ethnomethodology' and researchers or practitioners in system development, especially in Europe and the U.S. The area is usually called CSCW(Computer Supported Cooperative Work) in the broad sense, not necessarily being confined to the development of such systems as groupware. Their interests in the development and use of systems situated in organisational settings where actors carry out cooperative work is closely related to some issues concerning the development of information system in the social context. In this paper, I first discuss ethnomethodological interest in understanding social actions from the actor's point of view, therefore, in understanding social action as practical action whereby social order is accomplished. Then, I show that the conduct of developing information system could be examined as practical action whereby engineers achieving social order in the form of system. It is also discussed that constructing rules for the user types and for their orderly conduct are carried out as part of designing system. Lastly, I point out how the understanding of system users' situated practical actions can be crucial for system development, which in fact is the kind of understanding ethnomethodologists seek to achieve out of their analysis of ethnographic data such as observational notes, recorded interview, or video taped data obtained from their fieldwork.


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