本研究では新聞社説記事を対象に自動要約を行う.従来の文単位で抽出を行う自動要約システムでは文内に残る冗長性が高圧縮率での情報量の低下を生み出していた.そこで,少ない文章中で情報量の増加を目指し文より小さい単位として区を抽出し要約文章を生成する.また,要約文章の論述展開の流れを考慮するために直接関係や段落間の類似度から文章構造解析を行い要約文章の生成処理を行う.その結果,従来の文抽出によるシステムより評価値の向上が見られた.This paper describes a system that makes a summary of an editorial. The system that makes a summary by extracting some sentences cannot eliminate redundant components of the sentence. Thus such a system cannot produce a highly condensed good quality summary. In order to remove such inconvenience, we propose a method which finds important phrases and then constructs the summary from them. Our system analyzes the text structure so that it can recognize a logical stream and connective relationship of adjacent sentences. And furthermore, it analyzes the similarity between adjacent paragraphs. Based on the result of these analyses, the system construct a summary. According to our examination, our system could generate a better summary than that of the traditional one.