橋本 幸子 尾田 貴子 土肥 伊都子 柏尾 眞津子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.3, pp.241-248, 2006

Assuming that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two aspects, we conducted this research for the following two purposes. The first purpose was to develop a scale about two aspects of sophistication in clothing/makeup. A questionnaire was given to 107 female college and university students and their 107 mothers in order to gather data on both younger and older females'. The results of the factor analysis on the data indicated that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two factor structures, "external sophistication" and "internal sophistication". We verified the construct validity between the scale and the lifestyle and habit of clothing/makeup behaviors. For the second purpose, we studied the association between external/internal sophistication and gender personality by generation. As a result of a covariance structure analysis, we found that gender identity promotes external sophistication only in younger females while androgyny promotes internal sophistication in both generations. We also found that internal sophistication promotes external sophistication only in older females.


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【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】橋本ら(2006) おしゃれの二面性尺度の作成およびジェンダー・パーソナリティとの因果分析:母世代・娘世代の比較 http://t.co/4saFkFQeJo

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