池内 裕美 藤原 武弘 土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-38, 2000

"Extended self" is defined as "the aggregation of all obiects that people regard as a part of themselves; for example, their body parts, parents, friends, pet animals, job, social roles, etc." The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the emotional reaction of involuntary loss of the extended self, that is, "material possessions" and 2) to examine the structure of "extended self" and its relation to the values attached to the possessions. We collected samples from the victims of the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake (209 university students) and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (87 university students). The questionnaire asked them to describe what kind of favorite possessions they lost, the emotions when they lost them, the values they attached to the possessions and to what extent they regarded the external objects as a part of themselves. The results showed both similarities and differences between the victims of two earthquakes. The main findings were as follows: 1) Most victims of both earthquakes showed a similar emotional reaction, that is, "sadness" to the loss of important possessions. 2) For the values they attached to their lost possessions, "functional value," "emotional value," "self-presentational value," and "symbolic value of relationship" were extracted. 3) The more emotional value the victims of the Hanshin Earthquake gave to their possessions, on the other hand, the more self-presentational value the victims of the Northridge Earthquake gave to their possessions, the more the victims of both earthquake regarded their possession as a part of extended self.
土肥 伊都子
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.44, no.2, pp.187-194, 1996-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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The purpose of this study was to construct a scale to measure the “Gender Identity”, and examine its reliability and validity. First, fifty-six items were rated by 184 male students, and fifty-seven items by 454 female students. Exploratory factor analysis yielded three factors. Three subscales were constructed for both male and female. These subscales were “accepting one's sex or gender”, and “identification with parents”, and “intimacy with the opposite sex”. Each subscale contained ten items. Second, Cronbach's coefficient alpha provided some supports of reliability for each subscale. Third, confirmatory factor analysis provided some supports of validity to create three subscales.
橋本 幸子 尾田 貴子 土肥 伊都子 柏尾 眞津子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.3, pp.241-248, 2006

Assuming that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two aspects, we conducted this research for the following two purposes. The first purpose was to develop a scale about two aspects of sophistication in clothing/makeup. A questionnaire was given to 107 female college and university students and their 107 mothers in order to gather data on both younger and older females'. The results of the factor analysis on the data indicated that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two factor structures, "external sophistication" and "internal sophistication". We verified the construct validity between the scale and the lifestyle and habit of clothing/makeup behaviors. For the second purpose, we studied the association between external/internal sophistication and gender personality by generation. As a result of a covariance structure analysis, we found that gender identity promotes external sophistication only in younger females while androgyny promotes internal sophistication in both generations. We also found that internal sophistication promotes external sophistication only in older females.
土肥 伊都子 広沢 俊宗 田中 國夫
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.5, no.2, pp.137-145, 1990

Women's occupancy of the social roles of wife, mother, and worker, and the attainment from their role performance were examined in relation to life satisfaction and role overload. The study also examined the effect of sex-role personality, androgyny, which were assumed to have effects to the number of role occupancy or attainment. Subjects were 292 Japanese women aged twenties to forties, who were from the list of graduates. Women who occupied 3 roles (wife, mother, worker) or 2 roles (wife, mother) got higher life satisfaction than women who occupied 1 role (worker). But, role overload of women who occupied 3 roles were higher than that of women who occupied 2 roles (wife, mother). The effect of ageclass was significant concerning role overload; forties got lower role overload than twenties or thirties. Role attainment was important to get higher life satisfaction. Masculinity urged to occupy many roles, and femininity to get higher wife's and mother's role attainment.
尾田 貴子 橋本 幸子 柏尾 眞津子 土肥 伊都子
一般社団法人 日本繊維製品消費科学会
繊維製品消費科学 (ISSN:00372072)
vol.44, no.11, pp.700-709, 2003-11-25 (Released:2010-09-30)

本研究は, 以下の2つを目的とし, 女子大学生およびその母, 216名 (女子大学生109名, 母107名) を対象に質問紙調査を行なった.1) 「おしゃれ行動の二面性」 (橋本・柏尾, 2003) の構成概念妥当性を検討するために, 内面的・外面的おしゃれと被服・化粧行動との関連性を検討する.2) 内面的・外面的おしゃれと心理的健康の関係, および, 年齢を重ねてからのおしゃれについての価値観と心理的健康の関係についても検討する.さらに, 1) 2) について世代間比較を行なった.分析の結果, おしゃれの二面性概念の妥当性が確認された.世代間の比較では, 外面的おしゃれは娘世代, 内面的おしゃれは母世代が一層行なっていた.また, 娘世代では, 外面的おしゃれと「対自己の健康」とに正の相関関係, 内面的おしゃれと「対他者の不健康」とに負の相関関係が認められた.母世代では, 内面的おしゃれのみ, 「対自己の不健康」, 「対他者の不健康」と有意な負の相関関係が認められた.年齢を重ねてからのおしゃれに対する価値づけについては, 娘世代では外面的におしゃれなほど, 母世代では内面的におしゃれなほど, 高かった.
土肥 伊都子
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
vol.84, pp.PS-002-PS-002, 2020

<p>土肥(2006;2009)は,男女大学生に,男女3人ずつの飲み会で,酒代の合計12,000円の場合の,男女別の支払い額を決定させる実験を行った。本研究は,これらと同一内容をGoogle Formで作成し,女性266名,男性91名の大学生に対して,インターネット上で回答させ,比較検討したものである。実験の結果,第一に,女性より男性の支払い額を高くすべきというジェンダー・ステレオタイプに沿った判断が,第二に,男性であれ女性であれ,酒をよく飲むほど支払い額もそれに応じて高くすべきという判断が,以前と同様に認められた。ただし,第二の判断の傾向が,今回,より強まった。すなわち,多くのケースで,女性の支払い額が男性の支払い額に近づく傾向がみられた。第三に,女性性優位型の女性が,男性より女性の方がより多く支払うべきと判断する傾向が,前回とは異なり今回は見られなかった。男性が多く支払うことを良しとしない傾向が強まるということは,将来の夫婦関係において,夫の稼得責任を妻が期待しなくなること,ひいては「男は仕事,女は家庭」というジェンダーを変えていくことにつながる可能性があると考察した。</p>
池内 裕美 藤原 武弘 土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.16, no.1, pp.27-38, 2000-07-25 (Released:2016-12-20)

"Extended self" is defined as "the aggregation of all obiects that people regard as a part of themselves; for example, their body parts, parents, friends, pet animals, job, social roles, etc." The purposes of this study were 1) to investigate the emotional reaction of involuntary loss of the extended self, that is, "material possessions" and 2) to examine the structure of "extended self" and its relation to the values attached to the possessions. We collected samples from the victims of the 1995 Hanshin Earthquake (209 university students) and the 1994 Northridge Earthquake (87 university students). The questionnaire asked them to describe what kind of favorite possessions they lost, the emotions when they lost them, the values they attached to the possessions and to what extent they regarded the external objects as a part of themselves. The results showed both similarities and differences between the victims of two earthquakes. The main findings were as follows: 1) Most victims of both earthquakes showed a similar emotional reaction, that is, "sadness" to the loss of important possessions. 2) For the values they attached to their lost possessions, "functional value," "emotional value," "self-presentational value," and "symbolic value of relationship" were extracted. 3) The more emotional value the victims of the Hanshin Earthquake gave to their possessions, on the other hand, the more self-presentational value the victims of the Northridge Earthquake gave to their possessions, the more the victims of both earthquake regarded their possession as a part of extended self.
土肥 伊都子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.11, no.2, pp.84-93, 1995-12-15 (Released:2016-12-04)

The purpose of this study was to consider the following hypotheses; 1) Gender schema would facilitate the following sex-typed evaluation; femininity is important for females, masculinity is important for males. On the other hand, gender schema would restrain the tendency of the following non-sex-typed evaluation; femininity is important for males, masculinity is important for females. In the case of the females, gender schema would facilitate femininity, and it would restrain masculinity. 2) Evaluating humanity as important traits for both of females and males would restrain gender schema. 3) Being gender-aschematic would facilitate orientation to both of motherhood and fatherhood. Two hundreds and twenty-one female junior college students responded to humanity, femininity, masculinity on self-concept (Itoh, 1978) and desirability for females and males, and femininity-mother, masculinity-father and adult on desirability for themselves in the future. (Yamaguchi, 1985) The results were as follows; 1) The role evaluations toward femininity/masculinity and femininity/masculinity did not consist of only one factor, i.e., gender schema. On the contrary non-sex-typed evaluation facilitated androgyny. 2) Humanity measured in the present strdy was estimated as a part of masculinity, so the effect of humanity toward gender schema was not supported. 3) Androgyny facilitated orientation to adulthood, containing motherhood and fatherhood.
橋本 幸子 尾田 貴子 土肥 伊都子 柏尾 眞津子
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.21, no.3, pp.241-248, 2006-02-08 (Released:2017-02-07)

Assuming that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two aspects, we conducted this research for the following two purposes. The first purpose was to develop a scale about two aspects of sophistication in clothing/makeup. A questionnaire was given to 107 female college and university students and their 107 mothers in order to gather data on both younger and older females'. The results of the factor analysis on the data indicated that sophistication in clothing/makeup has two factor structures, "external sophistication" and "internal sophistication". We verified the construct validity between the scale and the lifestyle and habit of clothing/makeup behaviors. For the second purpose, we studied the association between external/internal sophistication and gender personality by generation. As a result of a covariance structure analysis, we found that gender identity promotes external sophistication only in younger females while androgyny promotes internal sophistication in both generations. We also found that internal sophistication promotes external sophistication only in older females.
土肥 伊都子
Journal of the Faculty of Human Sciences, Kobe Shoin Women's University : JOHS (ISSN:21863849)
vol.4, pp.11-23,
