矢部 恒彦 北原 理雄
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.59, no.463, pp.139-148, 1994

Today, we have a lot of commercial photos, and find out the scene of the city in these photos. We think of these scene as the urban space which consumers like, investigate of the women's magazines from 1960's onward, and show that the scene plays an important role in the magazines. Moreover, this study makes clear the scene of the city by analyzing commercial photos in a popular graphic magazine "Non-no". By using quantification theory, we abstract 2 axis and make clear the structure of the elements. We classify the scene into 7 groups and examine each appearance rate. The result is that consumers have the tendency to like scenes which have well-ordered volume space and humanscale elements, but these scenes don't have the element which represents the human actibities.


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こんな論文どうですか? 若年女性対象の量販一般雑誌に掲載された都市の場景に関する研究(矢部 恒彦ほか),1994 https://t.co/oVjQs9aWe2 Today, we have a lot of commercial photos, …
こんな論文どうですか? 若年女性対象の量販一般雑誌に掲載された都市の場景に関する研究(矢部 恒彦ほか),1994 https://t.co/IQkOg7a283

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