杉田 洋 佐藤 隆良 村川 三郎 平賀 慎 大石 洋之
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.607, pp.135-140, 2006

It is difficult to entrust contractors with daily cleaning services in government offices due to security reasons. Therefore, the quality of cleanness in those rooms is ensured by room users' self-cleaning works. In order to study how to improve the quality of cleanness in those rooms where daily cleaning services are not provided by any contractor, such as "Office work room", "Meeting room" and so on, we assessed the actual situation of room users' self-cleaning works in this study. In detail, room users' self-cleaning works were classified under 4 categories according to the type of cleaning works, "Floor sweeping", "Floor wiping", "Desktop cleaning" and "Trash & ashtray cleaning". And the frequency of cleaning works as well as the number of room users who performed it in respective categories was surveyed. Further, it was analyzed that the relativity between the room users' actual cleaning performance and the result of self-evaluation on the degree of their practice. Also, our study assessed factors which affect the self-evaluation on the frequency of their self-cleaning works such as "Frequently", "Occasionally" and "Hardly".


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こんな論文どうですか? 庁舎における自主清掃の実態に関する調査研究(杉田 洋ほか),2006 https://t.co/0tT7vA3g9Z

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