大塚 一哉 木下 光 丸茂 弘幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.627, pp.1029-1036, 2008-05-30

This study aims to clarify the background of establishment and the development of policy about Hawker Centres in Singapore, and also the change of space of Hawker Centres. This study was analyzed on following 4 conclusions. (1) Hawker Centres were built to solve a problem of Hawkers who caused public health and a traffic problem. (2) Hawker Centres were designed building plan and section to maintain good hygiene environment. In addition, Hawker Centres are continued to improve the hygiene environment by "Hawker Centre Upgrade Programme" and various management policy. (3) Constructions of Hawker Centres were grounded on land-use planning. And Hawker Centres have various functions with different in location (Newtown or Industrial area or Inner City area). (4) Today, not only are Hawker Centres evaluated as a social welfare facility and a tourist facility, but also play important role as urban facilities.


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ホーカー(露天の行商)はシンガポールに限らず、香港やマレーシアも含め、冷たい食事を嫌い出来たてを食べたい華人社会で広まったものです。 シンガポールに関しては、まだマレー半島の一員だった19世紀初頭からホーカーズの管理をどうするが課題であったようです。 大戦後も不法営業しているホーカーズをどう把握するか、ゴミの不法投棄をどうするかなど問題は山積していましたし、また摘発しようにも彼らは居場所を ...

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こんな論文どうですか? シンガポールにおけるホーカーセンターの歴史的変遷に関する研究(大塚 一哉ほか),2008 https://t.co/UHkEHEJxGM

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