雑喉谷 峻平 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.721, pp.633-643, 2016 (Released:2016-03-30)
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This study aims to clarify the historical transition of the Public Retail Market in pre-war Osaka city on following 3 aspects. 1. The urban policies and social position of the Public Retail Market were analyzed through papers of Hajime SEKI and Osaka's Council minutes. 2. The historical transition of the Public Retail Market were classified by the analysis of gross floor area, structure, plan, elevation and section drawings of 21 buildings. 3. How the Public Retail Market had played the role as the core of the living environment was shown by the survey of two case.
後藤 吉彦 木下 光 丸茂 弘幸
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 第38回学術研究論文発表会 (ISSN:1348284X)
pp.124, 2003 (Released:2003-12-11)

山本 安里 木下 光
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.50, no.3, pp.1077-1083, 2015-10-25 (Released:2015-11-05)

松下 和輝 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.736, pp.1531-1541, 2017 (Released:2017-06-30)

Takashi Asada belonged to Kenzo Tange's laboratory and starting with Reconstruction planning of Hiroshima City (1946-47), he was the main partner when Kenzo Tange designed Hiroshima peace center (1952) as well as Kagawa prefectural Government Hall (1958). Independently, he also designed Showa Station of Antarctica (1957), managed World Design Conference (1960) etc, and had played the important role in various fields beyond architecture planning and design. In 1961, Asada established "KANKYO KAIHATSU CENTER" with the meaning "research center for environmental development and design" which is the first consultant of urban and regional city planning in Japan. "KANKYO KAIHATSU RON" (1969) which means "theory of environmental development" was the only book written by Asada. He attended to establish the theory of environmental development and carry various works out through his concept as one of pioneers in Japan however Asada's theory of Environmental Development has not been clarified specifically. In his actualized works, there are 2 projects for children: Kodomo no Kuni as national children land in Yokohama (1962-72) and the development in Goshikidai of Kagawa (1965-71). This study aims to clarify Asada's method of environmental development for children through the analysis of 2 actualized projects as a part of his method of environmental development as follow. (1) Collecting information on projects and discourse concerned with children by Asada to clarify his theory for children. (2) Analysis of reflection of Asada's theory for children in program, planning and design of Kodomo no Kuni. (3) Analysis of organization frameworks and decision-making process in Kodomo no Kuni and ascertaining his role in 10 organizations. (4) Clarify points of common and development between Kodomo no Kuni and the development in Goshikidai. Throughout the analysis, the following 5 points have become clear. 1. Asada had his theory that children should act and play voluntarily in nature environment for education planned and design as less as possible. He believe in this environment encourages them self-development. In development of Goshikidai, outdoor activities had been taken in the program of school education with cooperation of governor and superintendent of education in Kagawa Prefecture. 2. Asada played an important part in site selection for Kodomo no Kuni. And that action changed the plan of Kodomo no kuni from smaller site(36ha) to the bigger site(96ha). 3. At first, the plan of Kodomo no Kuni was programmed to focus on artificial facilities like Disneyland. Asada denied it and planned minimal facilities for children's various outdoor activities. The completed plan followed Asada's concept and program generally. 4. Asada trended to introduce master plan like the cluster pattern and distributed facilities dispersively in each zone separated along the topographic features to suppress unnecessary development on nature in planning design of each project consistently. Asada tried to reuse architectural remains in Kodomo no Kuni and planned Goshikidai including existing temples, industry or facilities for children's activities and sightseeing. 5. Asada not only did planning and design, but also suggested concerning PR, management or personal affairs in each organizations of Kodomo no Kuni. In implementation process, he organized group formed of specialists, designers and architects in different field in order to design the environment comprehensively without differentiating fields and scales. Asada used the method of environmental development in cross-sectional fields to control organization in both decision-making and design and connected several organizations to design the environment comprehensively like Kodomo no Kuni.
築田 良 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.703, pp.1945-1953, 2014-09-30 (Released:2014-09-30)

This study focuses on the planning process of the cemetery and religious facilities in Senri New Town from 1957 to 1962 and mainly clarifies following three points. (1) The cemetery was not built inside new town area and the religious facilities had never been inside new town area through the analysis of official plans. (2) Eika Takayama laboratory had only proposed to include the historical communities, but its proposed plan did not reflect the final plan by Osaka government. (3) Kamishinden Tenjin shrine outside of new town area became the essential place for some residents in Senri New Town.
丸茂 弘幸 青木 太郎 木下 光
都市計画. 別冊 都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.34, pp.583-588, 1999-10-15

西田 彩子 大久保 三四朗 大森 照夫 木下 光博 酒本 裕明 杉山 典正 都築 涼香 法宗 布美子
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.68, no.3, pp.119-128, 2018-03-01 (Released:2018-03-01)

本研究では,ITベンチャー企業が知育玩具にAR(拡張現実)技術を適用したAR知育玩具について,新規事業を創出すると仮定し,情報収集と調査・分析を通じて事業立案の方策を検討した。AR及び知育玩具の各々の市場が拡大傾向にあること,両者を組合せた場合に相乗効果が見込まれることから,AR知育玩具の有望性が確認された。さらに,トピックモデル分析を用いて,全体を概観するマクロ分析からセミマクロ分析,さらにはミクロ分析へと展開する新たな手法を試みた。また,ブログを対象としたニーズ分析等を行なった。これらの分析から得られた要素をもとに,「積み木を用いたTangible user interface型の幼児向け英語学習玩具」を提案した。
大塚 一哉 木下 光 丸茂 弘幸
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.73, no.627, pp.1029-1036, 2008-05-30

This study aims to clarify the background of establishment and the development of policy about Hawker Centres in Singapore, and also the change of space of Hawker Centres. This study was analyzed on following 4 conclusions. (1) Hawker Centres were built to solve a problem of Hawkers who caused public health and a traffic problem. (2) Hawker Centres were designed building plan and section to maintain good hygiene environment. In addition, Hawker Centres are continued to improve the hygiene environment by "Hawker Centre Upgrade Programme" and various management policy. (3) Constructions of Hawker Centres were grounded on land-use planning. And Hawker Centres have various functions with different in location (Newtown or Industrial area or Inner City area). (4) Today, not only are Hawker Centres evaluated as a social welfare facility and a tourist facility, but also play important role as urban facilities.
郡司 浩和 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.84, no.755, pp.107-117, 2019 (Released:2019-01-30)

Osaka city has been rapidly urbanized since the end of the Meiji period, and the population of the city was more than 1.5 million in 1916. However, this development has problems such as price hike and poor living environment. How to stabilize the expanding citizen's eating habits for Osaka city at that time was an important policy task. Therefore, Osaka City opened the temporary public markets at 4 locations in April 1918 in order to adjust the price and provide inexpensive and stable daily necessities. Thereafter, 60 public markets were planned because of citizen's popularity. At the time of the second city limit extension (1925.4), the arrangement of the public market in the new city area was discussed. This study aims to clarify the formation of retail commercial space focused on Public Market in pre-war Osaka city on following 3 aspects. 1. The public policies and roles of the Public Market were analyzed through Osaka's Council Minutes. 2. 35 locations of public market established since October 1921 were classified into 4 types “Old city area”, “Traditional town”, “Newly developed area” and “Rural area”. 3. Interview survey for 65 shop owners since pre-war indicated the relationship between the formation of shopping street and public market. The main results were summarized as follows. 1) The public markets that were opened after being referred to as "establish a public market for resident of the newly opened area" in the city council of October 1921 are located from residential-industrial coexistence area to residential area in the wake of the second city limit extension (1925.4). In addition, it became clear that they gradually increased its location to area with high open space rate. 2) The public markets in the old city area opened near the public facilities constructed in the Meiji period. The public markets in the traditional town has been established near the old roads and temples that have relations with the area from long ago. The public markets in the newly developed area opened near the public facilities planned at the same time. The public markets in rural area opened on the old roads and approaches of temple. In this way, it was clarified that Osaka city arranged the public markets of pre-war to be the core of the retail commercial space planned differently for each site. 3) The formation of retail commercial space was classified into 3 patterns. First, the public market opens in existing shopping streets. And shopping streets develop by gathering stores and private markets. (For example, Kujo, Nigiwaimachi and Abeno public market) Secondly, when the public market opens, stores will gather, and the shopping streets will form. Later, the shopping street develops in stores independent of the public / private market. (For example, Tsuruhashi, Hirano, Izuo, Kagaya, Kitatanabe, Ikuno and Anryuu public market)Third, the private market opens first and the public market opens. Shopping streets form by stores gathering each other. (For example, Tanabe public market)
永宗 紗季 木下 光
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.722, pp.933-942, 2016 (Released:2016-04-30)
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Hong Kong has been rapidly developed as a trading city since become a British colony. Currently, north coast of Hong Kong Island is a high-rise and high-density city around the Chung Wan area. In Hong Kong Island, steep mountain is adjacent to the city. In Central & Western District of Hong Kong Island, pedestrian paths play an important role to make space patterns based on the steep slope of hillside. There are many buildings not facing driveway in urban blocks with pedestrian paths, and that afford various commercial activities. In this study, it is assumed that these pedestrian paths are important elements that characterize the urban blocks. Therefore, the purposes of this study are following 3 things. (1) Pedestrian paths were classified according to their morphological characteristics. (2) Urban blocks were classified according to patterns of pedestrian paths. (3) Classified urban blocks were compared by contained building's entrance and type of land use. The following 4 things become clear. (1) As Characteristics of 63pedestrian paths, approximately half of pedestrian paths have a wide width over 4.5m. There are stairs to the many pedestrian paths and have a variety of cross sections. There is a difference in the shapes of the pedestrian paths among the area. There are many dead-end streets, within the neat-shaped urban blocks in Sai Wan area. In Sheung Wan areas near the mountains, there are a lot of streets connecting the pedestrian paths, thereby producing more complicated pedestrian spaces. (2) 35 urban blocks were classified into type of penetration, type of dead-end path, type of concomitance, according to patterns of pedestrian path. By the classification, the ground levels of buildings in the inner sides of the city blocks are differently used. It was clear that, the most number of the entrances were in type of concomitance. The most number of the entrances of shop were in type of penetration and type of concomitance, the most of the entrances of houses were in type of penetration and type of dead-end path. (3) 18 urban blocks have buildings not facing driveways located inside the urban blocks, type of concomitance most have it. There is a tendency that more entrances of shops and residences in such city blocks having a building not facing driveway, compared with urban blocks not having such a building. It can be said that a building not facing a driveway plays such a role in the city block space configuration that the building allows various retailing shops and residences to be on the ground level in the inner sides of the urban blocks. (4) By connected pedestrian paths of different urban blocks, were produced extensive pedestrian networks in the city. The pedestrian paths have been maintained for nearly 100 years even after the buildings have been scrapped and built. Thus networks of pedestrian paths should be recognized as the historical social infrastructure. Finally, pedestrian paths are valuable public and open space in high-density urban environment. They afford various commercial activities and buildings not facing driveways remain in the urban blocks. And wide pedestrian paths are utilized as the open terrace with deck and chairs.
近藤 裕陽 木下 光
公益社団法人 日本都市計画学会
都市計画論文集 (ISSN:09160647)
vol.43.3, pp.475-480, 2008-10-25 (Released:2017-01-01)

木下 光生
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 = Bulletin of the National Museum of Japanese History (ISSN:02867400)
vol.169, pp.271-290, 2011-11-30

三幡 輝久 渡辺 千聡 阿部 宗昭 木下 光雄
肩関節 (ISSN:09104461)
vol.31, no.2, pp.433-436, 2007

The objective of this study was to assess the effect of shoulder horizontal abduction and external rotation on shoulder internal impingement. Eight cadaveric shoulders were tested using a custom shoulder testing system. Rotator cuff insertion points on the greater tuberosity were recorded using Microscribe digitizer at maximum external rotation position. Glenohumeral contact pressure at the maximum external rotation position was measured using a Fuji Prescale Film. Data were compared between the scapular plane (SP), 15 degrees horizontal abduction from scapular plane (15HA), 30 degrees horizontal abduction from scapular plane (30HA, simulated coronal plane), and 45 degrees horizontal abduction from scapular plane (45HA). The comparisons were also made between intact, after 20% stretching anterior capsule (an increased external rotation), and after an anterior capsular placation (a decreased external rotation). Data were analyzed using Tukey's post hoc test (p<0.05). Rotator cuff insertion points at 30HA and 45HA were located significantly anteriorly compared with those at the scapular plane and 15HA (p<0.01). The total contact pressure and total contact area in posterior glenohumeral joint at 30HA and 45HA were significantly greater than those at the scapular plane and 15HA (p<0.001). After stretching, maximum external rotation was increased and rotator cuff insertion points were significantly posteriorly located compared with intact condition at scapular plane (p<0.05). The cuff insertion points at more than 30 degrees of horizontal abduction were anterior to the posterior edge of glenoid, suggesting that excessive horizontal abduction, which is greater than coronal plane, may result in pathologic shoulder internal impingement.
近藤 裕陽 木下 光
都市計画. 別冊, 都市計画論文集 = City planning review. Special issue, Papers on city planning (ISSN:09131280)
vol.43, no.3, pp.475-480, 2008-10-15

法宗 布美子 大久保 三四朗 大森 照夫 木下 光博 酒本 裕明 杉山 典正 都築 涼香 西田 彩子
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム予稿集 第14回情報プロフェッショナルシンポジウム
pp.21-26, 2017 (Released:2017-11-01)

本研究では, 知育玩具にAR(拡張現実)技術を適用したAR知育玩具について, ITベンチャー企業がビジネスモデル主導で新規事業を創出することを想定し, ①事業アイデアが市場視点からビジネスシーズとなり得るかの判断, 及び②具体的な製品の提案を行った. ①について, ARの市場, 知育玩具の市場がそれぞれ拡大傾向にあること, また, 両者を組合せた場合に相乗効果が見込まれることから, AR知育玩具市場の有望性が確認された. ②について, テキストマイニング・トピックモデル分析を用いて, 全体を概観するマクロ分析からセミマクロ分析へ, さらにはミクロ分析へと展開する新たな手法を試みた. その他, ブログを対象としたニーズ分析などを行い, AR知育玩具と親和性の高い要素として, 「積み木」, 「英語学習」, 「Tangible Interface」に着目した. これらの要素をもとに, 「積み木を用いた Tangible Interface 型の幼児向け英語学習玩具」を提案した.
木下 光生
国立歴史民俗博物館研究報告 (ISSN:02867400)
vol.169, pp.271-290, 2011-11

本稿は、日本の賤民と百姓が一八世紀後半~一九世紀以降、自他の身分を強く意識し出す状況を素材として、共同研究の全体テーマ「身体と人格をめぐる言説と実践」を、日本近世史研究において問うことの意義を考えるものである。本テーマは、これまでの近世史研究ではほとんど意識されてこなかったが、その問いを、自己の「客観的な実態」(身体)と「自己認識」(人格)の間に生ずるズレやせめぎ合いをめぐる問題に置き換えてみれば、近世史研究で残されている課題、とりわけ賤民と百姓の自他認識論として議論することが可能となる。そしてそうした視点にたつと、一八世紀後半~一九世紀という時代のもつ重要性が鮮やかに映し出されることとなる。通常、右の時代は、民衆の力によって身分(制)社会が「動揺」「崩壊(解体)」する時代として描かれがちである。だが、当該期の賤民や百姓が邁進した地位向上運動をつぶさに見てみると、当時の民衆が「身分」を相対化しようとしていたどころか、むしろそれにこだわりまくり、身分を拠り所にした自己表明を、運動によって公言して憚らない人びとであった点に気づかされる。しかもそれらの運動は、いずれも、他身分・他賤民との「平等」ではなく、「差別化」を図ろうとするものばかりであり、それに邁進すればするほど、本来複雑な実態をもつ「客観的な自己」と「自分が自覚する自己」をひたすら乖離・分裂させるものであった。こうした動向を、単に「限界」視するのは無意味であり、人びとが「身分」に寄り添おうとした切実な思いに、もっと肉迫し得るような発想と時代認識をもたなければならない。加えて、他者との「差別化」を孕むような地位向上運動は、近現代日本社会でも確認できる。その意味で、「身体と人格をめぐる言説と実践」という問いかけは、「前近代/近代」という既存の時間認識を相対化する可能性も秘めている。This paper focuses on how outcastes (senmin) and peasants (hyakusho) developed an awareness of their status identities and struggled to improve their status in Tokugawa Japan, especially from the late 18th century.Late Tokugawa Japan is usually described as a transitional period in which the existing status system (mibunsei) moved towards collapse under the pressure of ordinary people expressing mounting dissatisfaction with the status quo. However, a closer look at the rights movements of outcastes and peasants attempting to improve their status and protect their interests reveals that far from eroding the status system, their efforts actually tended to reaffirm it.For example, when sanmaihijiri tried to get rid of status prejudice against them, they appealed to the public to recognize their nobility and refrain from regarding them as outcastes like eta ( kawata) or hinin. Kawata too objected to being labelled as eta, claiming that they were actually peasants (kawata-hyakusho) and attempting to shift discrimination against them to other outcastes by describing those they saw as genuine eta or outcastes as beggars. Further, when peasants found themselves in confrontation with outcastes, especially with regard to agricultural interests, they often claimed that from the outset outcastes lacked both the right and qualifications to engage in agriculture.Although these people engaged in serious discussion about their identities, their views unfortunately did not match the reality. Not all outcastes were beggars ( while, in fact, some beggars were of peasant status) , and many outcastes had been engaged in agriculture for a long time. ( Recent studies show that the living standards of most outcastes were almost the same as those of peasants.) The above history of struggle to clarify status identities thus reveals bitter contradictions and dilemmas, with the rights movements creating an ever wider gap between subjective identity ( how people viewed their status and that of others) and objective identity ( actual status) .Clinging to a status system may seem like an old-fashioned, feudalistic attitude, but the fact is that similar movements have taken place in modern Japan too. As such, divisions such as "modern" and "pre-modern" (or feudalistic) are essentially meaningless, and we would do well to develop a new paradigm for thinking about historical time.