原田 正俊
東アジア文化交渉研究 (ISSN:18827748)
vol.2, pp.31-45, 2009-03-31

In medieval society in Japan, Zen monks played an important role in cultural interactions in East Asia. In the late 13th to 14th centuries, there were Five Great Zen Temples both in Kyoto and Kamakura, and the activities of Zen monks were expanded. The Five Great Zen Temples house a large amount of books from China. I chose the books housed in Tofuku-ji Temple and analyzed their contents. In addition, I also chose Shushin Gidoh as the topic of my research and considered the greatness of the influence he had on the policymakers, such as people surrounding the Kamakura shoguns and Ashikaga shoguns by specifying the books he read and his lecture activities. Furthermore, I clarified the meanings that the relationship between Buddhism and Confucianism preached by Zen monks had on Japanese society, and the influence of the cultures of the continent including Zen sects on Muromachi culture through noh plays.


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@aihadure_chan 禅語に関してだけですが、私もあまり詳しくないですが鎌倉時代から南北朝にかけて、京都だけでなく鎌倉でも禅宗は盛んだったようです。また、信綱より昔の時代の武士も碧巌録など禅関係の書物が読まれたり、講義を受けたりしていたようですよ。 https://t.co/qTZhIWc7oy
メモ:日本中世における禅僧の講義と室町文化 (関西大学文学部:原田 正俊) http://t.co/isemneuZlN
"@rkscinii: CiNii 論文 -  日本中世における禅僧の講義と室町文化 http://t.co/ZBCjvoAcqF #CiNii" 室町時代の禅僧と武士の関わりが面白いよヽ(・∀・)ノ
CiNii 論文 -  日本中世における禅僧の講義と室町文化 http://t.co/ZACXlguYPk 面白い論文でした。義堂を中心に、室町初期の講義を見る

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