長谷川 健治 秦 玲子 秦 玲子
横浜国立大学留学生センター教育研究論集 (ISSN:13406493)
vol.15, pp.93-129, 2008

This is the second half of the 2-part oral history focusing on the experiences of Togawa Yoshio as a student member of the JCP during its military interlude in Korean War period Japan. Although the effect of the Korean War as an economic boon has been well-emphasized, narratives of postwar Japanese history tend to treat activities by the JCP during this period as a minor footnote to the period. This is not surprising. Even specialized histories of those who conducted these activities - the JCP, zainichi Koreans, and the student movement - pass over this period as an unfortunate mistake. By introducing the experiences of Togawa Yoshio, this oral history seeks to contribute to the process of giving voice to this long-silenced history. An appendix to part 2 reproduces a short heretofore unpublished memoir written by Togawa Yoshio on the period leading up to his employment.


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