村山 陽
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.25, no.1, pp.1-10, 2009

This study aimed to investigate the effect of exchanges with aged persons on children. In all, 381 upper graders at an elementary school completed the questionnaires. The nature of an exchange with aged persons was measured by the interaction frequency and the diversity of interaction with the aged persons. The results indicated that the effect of the exchange with the aged person was determined by physical proximity, the attribution of the aged person, and the gender of the child. At the same time, these exchanges influenced the development of emotional responses, interpersonal perceptions, and behaviors. For example, the lengths of exchange and the diversity of conversations with aged persons affected the empathy of children, which in turn influenced their helpfulness toward the aged persons. It highlighted the efficacy of intergenerational exchange for children of the present generation who have no contact with aged persons in daily life.


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【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】村山(2009) 高齢者との交流が子どもに及ぼす影響 http://t.co/1JS1yoJdjV

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【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】村山(2009) 高齢者との交流が子どもに及ぼす影響 https://t.co/1JS1yoJdjV
【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】村山(2009) 高齢者との交流が子どもに及ぼす影響 http://t.co/1JS1yoJdjV
【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】村上(2009) 高齢者との交流が子どもに及ぼす影響 http://t.co/1JS1yoJdjV
@a24luc このような論文をご紹介受けました。http://t.co/mcd11Dx6i0 ご参考ください。
@kamanori @asarin @HirokazuOgawa 再度失礼いたします,子どもの側に焦点を当てた研究は高齢者イメージを扱ってるものが多いです。 http://t.co/YrVdugzvwh
@kamanori @asarin @HirokazuOgawa 再度失礼いたします,子どもの側に焦点を当てた研究は高齢者イメージを扱ってるものが多いです。 http://t.co/YrVdugzvwh

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