松木 洋人
哲學 (ISSN:05632099)
vol.106, pp.149-181, 2001-03

特集変容する社会と家族投稿論文0. はじめに1. 社会構築主義という視点2. 社会問題研究における社会構築主義3. 家族社会における社会構築主義4. 誤解と混同5. 家族言説と解釈実践の社会学へ6. おわりにRecently, a social constructionist approach is a growing concern in the field of family sociology. This trend reflects the recognition among family sociologists that they need an alternative perspective to approach "postmodern" contemporary family which differs from the traditional structural-functionalist framework. In order to examine the implications of social constructionism for family sociology, sociological studies of family based on a method of social constructionism will be illustrated here with examples mainly from works of Gubrium Holstein. Also, pointing out the popular but unsound evaluation of the constructionist family study as a "subjectivistic micro-theory", this paper emphasizes that the approach is very sociological in that it addresses the social character of interaction and discourse and the relation between family and social order.


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