片岡 洋子 伊藤 葉子 高野 俊 鶴田 敦子 宮下 理恵子
日本家庭科教育学会誌 (ISSN:03862666)
vol.53, no.4, pp.226-237, 2011-01-01

In 1963, the Japanese National Curriculum Standards for upper secondary school made home economics the compulsory subject for only female students. However, some home economics teachers in Kyoto Prefecture, who had opposed to the subject as "an education to become good wives and wise mothers", were united to create alternative home economics education as a coeducational subject. They requested Kyoto Board of Education to change home economics education from female-only to coeducational subject which resulted in the implementation of coeducational home economics in 1973. This study aims to clarify the process to implement home economics as a coeducational subject, and analyze the theory of school subjects in 1960s to 1970s in Kyoto Prefecture. Results were as follows 1. In Kyoto Prefecture, not only many teachers but also the Board of Education supported the principle of coeducation. This was one of the reasons which contributed to realize coeducational home economics despite the opposition by the National Curriculum Standards. 2. Teachers who promoted coeducational home economics attempted to home economics from an education to become good wives and wise mothers to an education about managing a new family life based on couples' gender-equal relationship. 3. The theory of coeducational home economics needs to be composed of sciences and cultures, and to be revised from the subject dealing only home maintenance skills to that of family life education including historical, social, and scientific perspectives.


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【起きたら読む】/CiNii 論文 -  男女共修家庭科の成立過程と教科論 : 1960〜1970年代の京都府において http://t.co/nand42xV @feedlyさんから

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