加藤 悠 中島 美那子 Kato Haruka Nakajima Minako 日本労働者協同組合連合会センター事業団 特定非営利活動法人ワーカーズコープ 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.45, pp.119-129, 2011

This study attempted to illuminate the relationship to levels of self-esteem and parenting attitudes in mothers with infants. Mothers (N=81) completed the self-esteem scale (10 items) and the parenting attitudes scale (30 items). As a part of the results, the higher group of self-esteem indicated the higher level of parenting attitudes. Other results were that homemaker mothers tended toward lower degree of self-esteem and also indicated lower level of parenting attitudes in comparison with mothers working full-time. Single mothers have lower degree of self-esteem than married mothers with a significant difference. It is well known that children's self-esteem is influenced by mothers' self-esteem. For the purpose of improving mothers' self-esteem and children's self-esteem as well, it is necessary for mothers (especially for homemaker mothers and single mothers) that the burden of childcare is lightened.


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