加藤 悠 中島 美那子 Kato Haruka Nakajima Minako 日本労働者協同組合連合会センター事業団 特定非営利活動法人ワーカーズコープ 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.45, pp.119-129, 2011

This study attempted to illuminate the relationship to levels of self-esteem and parenting attitudes in mothers with infants. Mothers (N=81) completed the self-esteem scale (10 items) and the parenting attitudes scale (30 items). As a part of the results, the higher group of self-esteem indicated the higher level of parenting attitudes. Other results were that homemaker mothers tended toward lower degree of self-esteem and also indicated lower level of parenting attitudes in comparison with mothers working full-time. Single mothers have lower degree of self-esteem than married mothers with a significant difference. It is well known that children's self-esteem is influenced by mothers' self-esteem. For the purpose of improving mothers' self-esteem and children's self-esteem as well, it is necessary for mothers (especially for homemaker mothers and single mothers) that the burden of childcare is lightened.
Nakajima Minako Tanaka Tomoko
岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:18811671)
vol.26, no.1, pp.45-59, 2008-11-28

This study investigated what kind of social skills international students staying in Japan learn anduse throughout their stay which are significant fur funning relationships with Japanese. Informants were international students who have been staying in Japan for at least two years. Semi-structured interviews were carried out on 12 students from various countries. These interview responses were analyzed by using the KJ method and contenr analysis. The analysis revealed three major categories ofspecific Japanese skills: politeness, especially toward their proffessors; keeping harmony instead of insisting their opinions all the time; and steps for closeness, which means to take time to be close to others. We also found that they switched behaviors when selecting the appropriate acquired social skill and changed levels of using social skills depending on the context and people with whom theyinteracted.本研究では、日本に滞在する留学生が、日本人との対人関係においてどのようなソーシャルスキルを学び、実行しているかを調査した。2年以上に渡る比較的長期間、日本に滞在する留学生12名を対象に半構造面接を行った。留学生が用いるスキルについてKJ法と内容分析を用いて分析を行った結果、教師に対しての礼儀正しさ、自分の意見を主張するのではなく和を保つ、そして親密になるのに時間をかけるという3つのカテゴリーを日本文化特有のスキルとして獲得していることが分かった。また獲得されたソーシャルスキルを文脈や相手に応じて選択したり、水準を変えたりする行動のスイッチングも見られた。