細谷 瑞枝 Mizue Hosoya
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I,人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University (ISSN:13426362)
vol.50, pp.77-94, 2016

In diesem Aufsatz wird das Verhaltnis zur unirdischen Welt in europaischen Marchen mit dem Vergleich zwischen den Marchentypen ATU 710 "Our Lady's Child" und ATU314 "Goldner" behandelt. Die beiden Marchen haben das Motiv der ,verbotenen Kammer' und die gleiche Konstruktion; Die Hauptfigur muss ihr Elternhaus verlassen und einem ubernaturlichen Wesen wie der Gottesmutter oder dem Damon dienen. Sie ubertritt dessen Verbot, in eine Kammer einzutreten, und muss deshalb diese unirdiesche Welt verlassen. In der irdischen realen Welt beweist sie im Schloss bei eimen Konig ihre Fahigkeit, besteht eine Probe und lebt als Konig(in) glucklich.Trotz dieser Gemeinsamkeit kann man das Erlebnis in der verbotenen Kammer beim Marchen ATU710 als ein numinoses Erlebnis, und das beim ATU314 als eine Initiation interpretieren. Das magische Pferd, das die Hauptfigur von ATU314 in der verbotenen Kammer gesehen hat, symbolisiert, dass sie die Probe der Initiation erfolgreich bestanden hat. Und es ist ein Merkmal der europaischen Variante von ATU314, dass das Pferd tief in der unirdischen Welt, sogar in der verbotenen Kammer eingeschlossen ist, wahrend das Pferd von der asiatischen Variante zwar magisch, aber wie gewohnlich im Stall auf der irdischen Welt ist.
二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.44, pp.37-57, 2010

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.44, pp.37-57, 2010-01-01

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
掛川 富康 Tomiyasu KAKEGAWA
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.51, pp.73-87, 2017

民主的なワイマール体制も30年代からその問題を露呈させてくる。ロマニスト,E. R. Curtiusは,警告の書「危機に立つドイツ精神」(32年)において,伝統的教養に対する時代の憎悪に警告を発し,その救済の視線をラテン中世に注ぎ始める。文学者Thomas Mannは,「戦闘的フマニスムス」を唱える。古典学者W. Jaegerは,パイデイアとキリスト教思想の統合を図る。フランスの歴史家H.-I.Marrouは,ホメロス以来のヒューマニズムと中世キリスト教思想のなかに,戦後の文化形成の可能性を祈念する。E. Gilsonは,そのトミズム理解を基礎に,人間のラチオナールな思惟能力のうちに人間性の基礎を求める。ボン大学のロマニスト,Curtiusは,ホメロスの叙事詩のなかに人間性の再生の原点を見ようとする。渡辺一夫は,16世紀フランスのラブレーの文学に専心し,新教と旧教の対立に見られる宗教的狂気に抗してユマニスムに視線を注ぐ。戦後に現れたヒューマニズムへの回帰は,多くの場合,ホメロスの叙事詩の中にフマニスムスと文学性の根源的連関を確認しているが,このような時代の中で,ロマニストE. Auerbachは,創世記とホメロスの叙事詩を嚆矢とする西洋の(通時的)文学史を,キケロの三文体論とキリスト教による並行的文体及び謙抑体との交錯という視点から考察する(「ミメーシス」47年)。ヘブライ・キリスト教思想の中に宿る,日常性と悲劇とを統一して理解する文体の可能性をとらえ,旧約聖書・創世記や新約聖書の日常ギリシャ語(所謂のコイネー)の中に,三文体論では見られなかった新しい現実描写の可能性を認知する(様式混合Stilmischung)。この様式混合は,後年19世紀フランス文学のリアリズム(スタンダール,バルザック,フローベール)の中で再生したとされる。10年後の「中世の読者と言語」(58年)においては,古代の教養を受領したロマンス語圏と異なってドイツ文学とその地におけるフマニスムスの不毛性が指摘される。俗ラテン語(Gregor von Tour)も未成長にとどまったとされ,カール大帝によって招来されたラテン語文化の復興も,神学・典礼・法学を担う社会上層部に限定され,文学言語としての生命力を秘めた俗ラテン語や民族語には無縁であったと判断される。18世紀後半いらいのドイツ特有の歴史主義によって,GoetheやSchillerにおいて新しい文学的覚醒が見られたが,新しい社会の現実には,無力であり,その無力さは,Ciceroの文体による(閉鎖的な)現実理解の突破を可能とした様式混合が見られない事実と対応するとされる。戦後のドイツ・ロマニストの業績の一つは,ゲルマンの地においては,文学性とフマニスムスが歴史的に未成熟であることを指摘したことであろう。
銭谷 秋生 Akio Zeniya
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.40, pp.89-106, 2006-01-01

Thomas Nagel argues in The Possibility of Altruism that just as there are rational requirements on thought, there are rational requirements on action, of which altruism is one. According to Nagel, the altruism, that is a willingness to act in consideration of the interests of other persons without needing ulterior motives, is not to be confused with general affection for humanity. Altruism is not a feeling, but a rational requirement on desire and action, which one can't refuse in so far as one can recognize the reality of other persons and have the capacity to regard oneself as merely one individual among many. Can this claim be justified rationally? This article summarizes and examines the arguments for Nagel's claim. There are ethical views denying the rationality of altruism. The typical views are, according to Nagel, egoism and practical solipsism. He discusses these ethical views and tries to refute them. This article also examines his rebuttal, thereby clarifying the foundation of his own ethical theory.
小幡 幸和 Yukikazu OBATA
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I.人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.54, pp.41-50, 2020

In this paper I investigate how Masunori HIRATSUKA (1907-1981) viewed the theory of teaching profession in relation to his understanding of Christianity. A well-known Japanese education scholar who served as Professor of Kyushu University, Director of Japan’s National Institute for Educational Research, and the head of the Education Sector of UNESCO, Hiratsuka was also the son of a Japanese Christian pastor who served in Tokyo. After reviewing the life of Hiratsuka especially by noting his religious involvement and understandings, I focus on three areas that are emphasized in contemporary discussions on the theory of teaching profession, namely: 1) the importance of character, 2) the need for learning continually as teachers, and the global awareness teachers ought to have. I examine how Hiratsuka tackled these issues in light of his views on religion and Christianity.
Dzyabko Yuliya Kvasnytsia Olha Yuliya Dzyabko Olha Kvasnytsia
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.54, pp.51-65, 2020

言語と宗教はアイデンティティのマーカーであると考えられており,エスニック・アイデンティティやナショナル・アイデンティティに関する最近の研究では,宗教行動と言語使用によって,どのように移民コミュニティのアイデンティティが形成されるかが取り上げられている。歴史的にもキリスト教はウクライナの文化と伝統を支援する要因の一つであるため,本研究では,在日ウクライナ人のナショナル・アイデンティティの形成過程における宗教の役割や,言語態度への宗教の影響について考察した。初めに,ビザンティン帝国とキーウ・ルシのルーツを持つウクライナ正教会の歴史を概観し,次に,2004年に設立された日本における唯一のウクライナ正教会(St. Jude Ukrainian Orthodox Mission)の活動について説明した。最後に,在日ウクライナ人のアイデンティティのマーカーとして言語とキリスト教がどのような役割を果たしているかについて分析を行った。
髙野 暁子 Akiko TAKANO
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I.人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.54, pp.1-14, 2020

Yamada Kousaku (1886-1965) is well known as a famous composer and a conductor of the first Japanese orchestra. He worked in Bunka Gakuin which was founded by Nishimura Isaku (1884-1963) for the secondary education of young women as a dancing teacher from 1921 to 1923.The lesson which he taught was “music and dance” and combined the education of art and the physical education. In Bunka Gakuin, the art and the physical education were culture for women. He guided a new genre which was harmonized music with dance, himself named “Buyou Shi“(Choreographic Tone Poem)” for female students.In the lesson, a teacher and students criticized usual education and the habit of the home, besides they found out the new dance. Yamada thought an unconscious motion as the foundation of dance, expressed it by own body. And students imitated dance by teacher.A teacher became the mirror which reflected conflict came up between students and usual education of, guided dance of students by themselves.
野口 誠
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
vol.35, pp.47-59, 2001

How to cope with terrorism is said to be one of the greatest problems in this century. Through many experiences in the past we cannot help admitting that even the strongest military power cannot be relied upon for the prevention or eradication of terrorist acts. So this problem is a hot issue discussed from different angles through mass media every day. This essay aims to give some views on the same subject on the basis of what the Bible says. The Bible tells us two ways to prevent and to solve the problem of terrorism. As for the prevention: if we find that someone has something against us, first of all we should go and be reconciled with him with every humility and meekness (Cf. Matt. 5:23-25). As for the solution we should not retaliate for what our enemy has done against us (Rom. 12:19). Not to retaliate is an excellent virtue. But the Bible exhorts us to do more than that. This "more than that" means the characteristic of love which the Bible teaches. There are two very famous sayings in the world. One is Jesus' teaching: "Do to others as you would be done by", which is called "The Golden Rule"(Matt. 7:12). The other is Confucius' teaching: "Do not do to others as you would not be done by", which is called "The Golden Mean". At first sight these two sayings seem quite similar, but on reflection we find that the two are quite different. The former is positive, while the latter is negative. Jesus says, "And if any one forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles."(Matt. 5:41). If any one forces us to go one mile, to go with him one mile is the golden mean or the principle of nonresistance. This is not what Jesus wants us to do. What Jesus exhorts us to do is to love the other as much as to make one mile become two miles. The Apostle Paul exhorts us to overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:21). During the Second World War two American missionaries, man and wife, were murdered on the groundless suspicion as spies by the Japanese army deep in the mountain on one of the Philippine Islands. The missionary couple asked for thirty minutes before the execution. They read the Bible and prayed and submitted to the sword. In time their young daughter in the States got the news and was greatly depressed at first. But when she thought of her parents' prayer before they were killed, she forgave the Japanese army who had murdered her parents. She decided to tell the gospel of the forgiveness of sins through the crucifiction of Jesus Christ to the Japanese armies. So she served devotedly the Japanese soldiers in the concentration camp in America. She gave her forgiveness to the Japanese unit who had murdered her parents. In addition her love in Christ made her do to their fellow soldiers more than merely forgive. This true story led Mitsuo Fujita, the supreme commander of the Japanese unit which made a terroristic surprise airraid on the Pearl Harbor (Dec. 8, 1941), to Christ Jesus. He did a very good job as a preacher not only in Japan but in the States also. After all if the anti-terrorism policy is not based upon the spirit of Jesus's teaching "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."(Matt. 5:44), all is vain.
扇澤 美千子 川野 裕子 川端 博子 Michiko Ougizawa Yuko Kawano Hiroko Kawabata 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 埼玉大学教育学部 埼玉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.41, pp.13-25, 2007

In this study, the questionnaire survey for slimming intention and body size, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and clothing behavior was conducted on 444 young female. We considered how intention towards body slimming was related to self-consciousness and clothing behavior, based on comparison between groups with higher and lower consciousness towards slimming. The results were as follows: (1) 87% female hoped to be slender and their ideal figure was extremely thin. Even in the higher slimming intention group, 90 percent or more belonged to thin or standard level in medical body mass index. They hoped to lose more weight and to be thinner especially in the lower part of their bodies. (2) Higher slimming intention group answered in the negative for self-acceptance, and tendency to lack in independency and confidence could be seen in their Cinderella complex questionnaire results. (3) Analysis on clothing expenses and purchase frequency showed that higher slimming intention group had stronger interest in clothing, were more ingenious in trying to look thinner and that this intention led them to gain more psychological stability. As a result, we conclude that slimming intention is now widely accepted in the modern society for the reasons that being thinner and wearing smartly lead to self-acceptance, self-confidence and mental stability.
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.53, pp.107-127, 2019


1 0 0 0 OA 水戸藩の香統

堀口 悟 鈴木 健夫 村田 真知子 Satoru Horiguchi Takeo Suzuki Machiko Murata
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I.人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I. Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.53, pp.197-217, 2019

When the four volumes of the Book of the Way of Incense (Kōdōsho) in the collection of the Mito City Museum were shown to the public for the first time in 1992, Akiyama Takashi contributed the introductory essay for the occasion. In this essay, Akiyama expressed doubts on the theory endorsed so far by Nishiyama Matsunosuke in his Iemoto seido no kenkyū(Research on the iemoto system)published in 1982 by Yoshikawa Kōbunkan, although he fell short of producing evidence against it. Nishiyama had stated that inside the domain of Mito, approximately the same territory as today’s Ibaraki prefecture, in regard to new disciples for the Shino School of incense “not even one was to be found for the entire period [of the Mito feudal domain]. It is thus conceivable that the way of incense was not accepted by the milieu in the Mito domain that developed Mitogaku”.In our research, drafted by three authors, we thoroughly examined the four volumes of the Book of the Way of Incense, consisting of Mito-shi hakuzō Kōnoki-jo (Introduction to Ko-awase, an incense matching game- Mito City Museum), Mito-shi hakuzō Kotokumikō (The earlier ten kinds of kumikō - Mito City Museum), Mito-shi hakuzō Hachikumikō (The eight kinds of kumikō- Mito City Museum) and Kōdō meikan (Compendium of the Way of Incense). While taking into account the previous studies by Midorikawa Fumiko and others, we also considered the historical documents of the Mito domain, with the purpose of investigate the relations between the domain of Mito and the way of incense in the early modern era (1603-1867).On one hand, we proceeded to reprint and revise the four original volumes of the Mito City Museum, adding explanatory notes, a translation into modern Japanese and related essays. The book we are currently writing with these contents will be entitled Kinseishoki no Kō-bunka (The culture of the incense in the early modern period) and its publication is planned for March 2020. It intends to clarify the culture of the incense in Kyoto (cultural capital) and in Mito (province) in the early modern period, from the year 1603 to the year 1700.On the other hand, in the present paper titled The incense tradition in the Mito domain we have broadened the outlook to the whole early modern period and considered the above-mentioned theory by Nishiyama.Consequently, it came to light that the first daimyō (feudal lord) of the Mito domain Tokugawa Yorifusa was enthusiastic about the way of incense, wrote a book himself on the subject and presented it to the Emperor Go-Mizunoo. Furthermore, Tokugawa Mitsukuni, the second daimyō of the Mito domain, presented the Emperor Go-sai with the book Fusō-shūyōshū, while both the fourth daimyō Munetaka and the eight daimyō Narinobu showed interest in the art of incense. The analysis of the documents also revealed that two vassals of Yorifusa, Okajima Matayuki and Iio Biku were practicing and researching the way of incense, proving that the tradition of incense continued until the latter part of the Edo period.However, regarding the way of incense in the Mito domain there are still aspects needing further investigation, which prevent us to reach a full clarification of the matter. Therefore, we are hereby releasing our findings in the form of research notes.
加藤 悠 中島 美那子 Kato Haruka Nakajima Minako 日本労働者協同組合連合会センター事業団 特定非営利活動法人ワーカーズコープ 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.45, pp.119-129, 2011

This study attempted to illuminate the relationship to levels of self-esteem and parenting attitudes in mothers with infants. Mothers (N=81) completed the self-esteem scale (10 items) and the parenting attitudes scale (30 items). As a part of the results, the higher group of self-esteem indicated the higher level of parenting attitudes. Other results were that homemaker mothers tended toward lower degree of self-esteem and also indicated lower level of parenting attitudes in comparison with mothers working full-time. Single mothers have lower degree of self-esteem than married mothers with a significant difference. It is well known that children's self-esteem is influenced by mothers' self-esteem. For the purpose of improving mothers' self-esteem and children's self-esteem as well, it is necessary for mothers (especially for homemaker mothers and single mothers) that the burden of childcare is lightened.
細谷 瑞枝 Hosoya Mizue 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.43, pp.137-151, 2009-01-01

Zum Marchentyp AT480 gehoren die japanischen Marchen Jizo Jodo (Elysium des Schutzgottes), Nezumi Jodo (Elysium der Mäuse) und Kurihiroi (Kastanien Sammeln). In dieser Abhandlung werden sie mit den europäischen Märchen AT480 wie KHM 24 „Frau Holle" und anderenachtzehnMärchenausverschiedenenSprachgebietenverglichen,umzu^nveranschaulichen, wie man sich die unirdische Welt vorstellt und wie man damit umgeht. In den europäischen Märchen gelangt die Hauptfigur zwangsweise in die unirdische Welt, und das unirdische Wesen, das meistens allein, aber auch mit Apfelbaum, Backofen, Kuh u.a. zusammen hervortritt, pruft, wie gut oder bose die Haupt- und Nebenfigur sind. Das unirdische Wesen belohnt die Hauptfigur fur ihre Tugend wie Freundlichkeit und Bescheidenheit und bestraft die Nebenfigur für ihre Unfreundlickeit und Habgier. In diesem Sinne gilt die irdische Moral auch in der unirdischen Welt. Dagegen geht die Hauptfigur der japanischen Marchen freiwillig oder sogar eingeladen in die unirdische Welt, in der sie mit zwei unirdischen Wesen, einem Jizo (Schutzgott) und Oni (Teufel) begegnet. Zwar ist der Jizo gut und der Oni bose, wie die Hauptfigur ein guter Alter und die Nebenfigur ein boser Alter ist. Aber wenn man es genauer betarachtet, ist das Gute und Bose nicht so leicht zu unterscheiden. Aus Dankbarkeit für das Essen, das der Jizo ohne Erlaubnis der Hauptfigur gegessen hat, berät der gute Jizo der Hauptfigur, den Onis Geld zu stehlen. Die Nebenfigur, die neidisch die Hauptfigur nachahmt, erleidet einen miserablen Misserfolg, manchmal den Tod. In diesen japanischen Märchen wird das Verhalten der Figuren nicht getestet und der Grund, warum die Hauptfigur belohnt und die Nebenfigur bestraft wird, ist nicht überzeugend, und die unirdische Welt und deren Verlauf ist trotzdem mit Respekt zu akzeptieren.
藤島 稔弘 黒澤 泰 櫻井 由美子 Toshihiro Fujishima Tai Kurosawa Yumiko Sakurai
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 I,人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.51, pp.57-71, 2017

Attempts to develop active learning of “the practice psychological welfare” is described.Firstly, we have briefly introduced characteristics and issues in a class on “Guidance to Practice of Psychological Welfare.” Secondly, we have discussed the definition and concepts of active learning. Goal clarification, active discussion, and reflection are important for promoting active learning. Thirdly, we have introduced detailed contents of the class, which is based on the concept of active learning. Fourthly, we have discussed the limitations and future development of this endeavor.