二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.44, pp.37-57, 2010

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
二瓶 恵 Nihei Megumi 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.44, pp.37-57, 2010-01-01

Dix-sept reformes de l'orthographe franciase ont ete procedees entre 1650 et 1835. Cette renovation orthographique a purifie la langue francaise de l'epoque des debris du latin. Grace a elle, les bases du francais moderne ont ete batis par degres. A trevers des divers evenements importants, comme l'ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets, l'invention de l'impression typographique, la fondation de l'Academie francaise et l'enseignement public a titre gratuit, la langue francaise s'est repandue graduellement dans toutes les couches sociales de la France comme une seule langue commune et officielle. Notre but dans cet article est parcourir cette evolution et montrer comment l'orthographe francaise a ete modernisee.
立木 徹 伏見 陽児 Tatsuki Toru Fushimi Yohji 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 千葉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.42, pp.269-285, 2008-01-01

Nankichi Niimi's literary masterpiece, Gongitsune, serves as standard educational material for teaching Japanese in many Japanese primary schools. The protagonist is a little fox named Gon who lives on the outskirts of a village and plays pranks on the villagers. One day Gon releases fish from a net set by Hyoju, a villager, and steals Hyoju's, eels. After Hyoju's mother passes away, Gon realizes Hyoju caught the eels for his ailing mother and regrets stealing the eels. He then returns under cover to Hyoju's house with chestnuts and mushrooms in order to atone for his misdeed. When Gon sneaks into Hyoju's house, Hyoju misunderstands Gon's intent and shoots him. Finding the chestnutssoon after, Hyoju realizes Gon's gifts were for him. The narrative closes with Hyoju exclaiming "Gon, was it you who always brought chestnuts for me?" Some readers think that Hyoju understands Gon's intention of compensation for depriving Hyoju's mother of the eels. Read properly, Hyoju clearly does not understand Gon's intention and feelings and the misunderstanding occurs. Tatsuki & Fushimi (2003, 2004) conducted three experiments to reconfirm the erroneous interpretation of university students and attempt to correct the misinterpretation. Results suggested, however, that the subject's erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The purpose of this study was to attempt again to correct the misinterpretation, and the authors conducted three experiments. In Experiments 1, the student subjects presented and discussed their opinions. In Experiment 2, the authors explained that Hyoju's perspective differed from that of Gon. In Experiment 3, the investigators interviewed the subjects in a semi-structured method. The results suggested that the subjects still thought that Hyoju understood Gon's compensatory intention. The subjects' erroneous interpretation of Gongitsune did not improve and was not corrected. The authors determined the subjects' misreading of the text was result of reader's intuitive, sentimental reading and confusing the facts with their inferences.
青木 茂男 Aoki Sigeo 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.45, pp.199-210, 2011-01-01

As stock valuation methods became diverse and multiple, cases of disputes in court increased. This paper aims to deepen the valuation theory by reviewing various judicial precedents in Japan through the following key questions: Which valuation methods are supported in disputes? How have such supports changed over the years? What is the level of acceptance of the DCF method in cases of disputes? What are the differences in dealing with stock valuation between listed and non listed stocks? How are stocks valued in recent judicial precedents? What are the issues concerning taxation? The paper also contributes to an area of accounting and finance which lacks researches of the valuation methods in judicial precedents in Japan.
真鍋 守栄 Morie Manabe 茨城キリスト教大学社会・自然科学 Ibaraki Christian University Social and Natural Sciences
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.35, pp.23-35, 2002-02-25

Kazuo Dan is considered as a ruinous type of writer. He had difficulties in his background, for instance, his mother left home when he was 9 years old. I can see a vitality and will to live behind his dissapation for destruction. It seems like a home environment had a deep effect on his behavior later on. In this paper, I have tried to understand his life through the psychoanalytic viewpoints of Manic Defences, Depressive Position and Transitional Object.
扇澤 美千子 川野 裕子 川端 博子 Michiko Ougizawa Yuko Kawano Hiroko Kawabata 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部 埼玉大学教育学部 埼玉大学教育学部
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 1 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.41, pp.13-25, 2007

In this study, the questionnaire survey for slimming intention and body size, self-acceptance, self-confidence, and clothing behavior was conducted on 444 young female. We considered how intention towards body slimming was related to self-consciousness and clothing behavior, based on comparison between groups with higher and lower consciousness towards slimming. The results were as follows: (1) 87% female hoped to be slender and their ideal figure was extremely thin. Even in the higher slimming intention group, 90 percent or more belonged to thin or standard level in medical body mass index. They hoped to lose more weight and to be thinner especially in the lower part of their bodies. (2) Higher slimming intention group answered in the negative for self-acceptance, and tendency to lack in independency and confidence could be seen in their Cinderella complex questionnaire results. (3) Analysis on clothing expenses and purchase frequency showed that higher slimming intention group had stronger interest in clothing, were more ingenious in trying to look thinner and that this intention led them to gain more psychological stability. As a result, we conclude that slimming intention is now widely accepted in the modern society for the reasons that being thinner and wearing smartly lead to self-acceptance, self-confidence and mental stability.
加藤 悠 中島 美那子 Kato Haruka Nakajima Minako 日本労働者協同組合連合会センター事業団 特定非営利活動法人ワーカーズコープ 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. 1, 人文科学 (ISSN:13426362)
no.45, pp.119-129, 2011

This study attempted to illuminate the relationship to levels of self-esteem and parenting attitudes in mothers with infants. Mothers (N=81) completed the self-esteem scale (10 items) and the parenting attitudes scale (30 items). As a part of the results, the higher group of self-esteem indicated the higher level of parenting attitudes. Other results were that homemaker mothers tended toward lower degree of self-esteem and also indicated lower level of parenting attitudes in comparison with mothers working full-time. Single mothers have lower degree of self-esteem than married mothers with a significant difference. It is well known that children's self-esteem is influenced by mothers' self-esteem. For the purpose of improving mothers' self-esteem and children's self-esteem as well, it is necessary for mothers (especially for homemaker mothers and single mothers) that the burden of childcare is lightened.
細谷 瑞枝 Hosoya Mizue 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. I, 人文科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. I, Humanities (ISSN:13426362)
vol.43, pp.137-151, 2009-01-01

Zum Marchentyp AT480 gehoren die japanischen Marchen Jizo Jodo (Elysium des Schutzgottes), Nezumi Jodo (Elysium der Mäuse) und Kurihiroi (Kastanien Sammeln). In dieser Abhandlung werden sie mit den europäischen Märchen AT480 wie KHM 24 „Frau Holle" und anderenachtzehnMärchenausverschiedenenSprachgebietenverglichen,umzu^nveranschaulichen, wie man sich die unirdische Welt vorstellt und wie man damit umgeht. In den europäischen Märchen gelangt die Hauptfigur zwangsweise in die unirdische Welt, und das unirdische Wesen, das meistens allein, aber auch mit Apfelbaum, Backofen, Kuh u.a. zusammen hervortritt, pruft, wie gut oder bose die Haupt- und Nebenfigur sind. Das unirdische Wesen belohnt die Hauptfigur fur ihre Tugend wie Freundlichkeit und Bescheidenheit und bestraft die Nebenfigur für ihre Unfreundlickeit und Habgier. In diesem Sinne gilt die irdische Moral auch in der unirdischen Welt. Dagegen geht die Hauptfigur der japanischen Marchen freiwillig oder sogar eingeladen in die unirdische Welt, in der sie mit zwei unirdischen Wesen, einem Jizo (Schutzgott) und Oni (Teufel) begegnet. Zwar ist der Jizo gut und der Oni bose, wie die Hauptfigur ein guter Alter und die Nebenfigur ein boser Alter ist. Aber wenn man es genauer betarachtet, ist das Gute und Bose nicht so leicht zu unterscheiden. Aus Dankbarkeit für das Essen, das der Jizo ohne Erlaubnis der Hauptfigur gegessen hat, berät der gute Jizo der Hauptfigur, den Onis Geld zu stehlen. Die Nebenfigur, die neidisch die Hauptfigur nachahmt, erleidet einen miserablen Misserfolg, manchmal den Tod. In diesen japanischen Märchen wird das Verhalten der Figuren nicht getestet und der Grund, warum die Hauptfigur belohnt und die Nebenfigur bestraft wird, ist nicht überzeugend, und die unirdische Welt und deren Verlauf ist trotzdem mit Respekt zu akzeptieren.
井川 聡子 岩尾 陽子 小野 めぐみ 後田 絵美 滝田 牧 八田 美幸 落合 敏 Satoko Igawa Yohko Iwao Megumi Ono Emi Ushiroda Maki Takita Miyuki Hatta Toshi Ochiai 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部食物健康科学科 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学科第19期生 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学科第19期生 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学科第19期生 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学科第19期生 千葉県立衛生短期大学栄養学科第19期生 茨城キリスト教大学生活科学部食物健康科学科
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.35, pp.75-86, 2002-02-25

From the necessity of managing water intake for the maintenance and improvement of health, we investigated the dietary habits and water intake among the female junior college students (n=68). The results are summarized as follows. The total water intake was apparently insufficient, averaging at 1437±363ml. While, 7.4% of the students satisfied the requirement (2000ml), 30.9% of them consumed less than 1200ml. The average amount of water taken as liquid was 762±318ml. Only 19.1% of the students satisfied the requirement (1000ml). In addition, both the amount of water taken at each meal and intake frequency per day tended to be insufficient, which reminded us of the necessity of improving the situation. As to the kinds of beverages taken, tea was most commonly consumed. The average amount of water taken from food sources was 675±223ml, satisfying 60-70% of the requirement. In addition, only 10.3% of the students satisfied the requirement (1000ml). The causes of deficiency included, insufficient meal (breakfast and lunch) and soup intake. Furthermore, those who habitually eat at irregular hours and those who skip meals showed significantly low levels of water intake. Based on the above findings, we confirmed the necessity of immediately improving the situations observed among the young generation by taking measures for insufficient water intake both via liquids and via food so as to attain the required water intake.
竹内 桂 Takeuchi Kei 茨城キリスト教大学
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.44, pp.173-186, 2010-01-01

In 1974, Shiina Etsusaburo, who was the vice-president of the Liberal Democratic Party(LDP), decided to nominate Miki Takeo for the president of the LDP. There are four reasons why Miki was nominated. First, Shiina expected that Miki could modernize LDP. Second, Miki had a long career as a member of the House of Representatives. Third, there was the only situation where Miki could be nominated. And forth, Shiina prevented Miki from making a new party.After Miki became a prime minister of Japan, he set out to form a cabinet. When Miki chose the ministers, he considered balance of factions of LDP, the number of times person was elected, and a member of the House of Councillors. As a result, Miki's organization of cabinet became much different form his first design.This organization suggests that Miki suffered from conducting the government.
小谷野 邦子 Kuniko Koyano 茨城キリスト教大学自然科学 Ibaraki Christian University Social Sciences
茨城キリスト教大学紀要. II, 社会・自然科学 = Journal of Ibaraki Christian University. II, Social and natural sciences (ISSN:13426370)
vol.36, pp.163-179, 2002-12-25

This paper continues the psychological studies of "Manchuria" after 1936. The previous entry in this journal introduced the topic. This paper focuses on the works of the psychologists associated with the Research Institute of Kenkoku University1 and the Manchukuoan Psychological Association. Professor Tanenari Chiba, the chief professor of the University and the president of the Association, endeavored for the establishment of the theoretical methodology for race study. Under his influence, Professor Saburo Abe and Associate Professor Tsukasa Susukita respectively investigated the racial characters of "Manchuria". Intelligence tests were administered to pupils from various racial groups in the area. These tests were conducted over period of three years by members of the Hsinking District Sectional Meeting of the Association. Unfortunately, that data disappeared with the fall of "Manchukuo". In addition to the studies indicated above, other researches were also reviewed for this study. These studies provide two contributions: (1) the ideological maintenance of the status quo, and (2) the methodological hypotheses for race psychology.
飯田 貞夫 江口 旻 志村 聡 大島 徹 Sadao Iida Akira Eguchi Satoshi Shimura Toru Oshima 茨城キリスト教大学 松蔭大学 亜細亜大学 茨城県立水戸飯富養護学校
茨城キリスト教大学紀要 2 社会・自然科学 (ISSN:13426370)
no.40, pp.185-204, 2006

(1)本流のpHは,7.0~7.4の間にある。左岸支流のpHは3.4~7.6の問にあり,松川,荒川,須川など,上流に火山地帯がある河川と温泉水が流入する河川では酸性を示す。右岸支流のpHは,7.0~8.4の間にある。花崗岩,石灰岩地域を流下するため,アルカリ性を示す。(2)本流のDOは,10.2~11.4ppmの間にある。左岸支流は,8.9~13.6ppm。DOは扇状地の支流で12.2~13.6ppmと値が高い。右岸支流のDOは,8.7ppmと左岸より少ない。(3)本流の透視度は,7.6~27cmと低い値を示す。左岸の透視度は,荒川32cm,濁川40cm,摺上川44.5cmで低い値を示すが,他の支流は50cm以上である。右岸の透視度は,谷底平野や水田地帯を流下する胡桃川22cm,東根川24cm,境川41cmで低い。(4)本流の電気伝導度は,61.7~158μ&mho;/cmで変化する。左岸支流の電気伝導度は59.6~891.2μ&mho;/cmで変化し,温泉水が流入する小川891.2μ&mho;/cm,須川361μ&mho;/cm,荒川218μ&mho;/cmで高い。右岸支流の電気伝導度は,117~363μ&mho;/cmで,入川で363μ&mho;/cmと高く,谷底平野や水田地帯で高くなっている。(5)本流のCl^-の含有量は,22~38ppmの間にある。左岸支流のCl^-の含有量は,6~36ppmである。温泉水が流入する荒川,須川,松川で含有量が多い。荒川で36ppm,須川で32ppm,小川で28ppmである。右岸支流のCl^-の含有量は,4~86ppmである。入川で特に高い値(86ppm)を示しているが,原因は明らかではない。(6)本流のNa^+の含有量は,3.3~9.6ppmである。左岸支流の含有量は,0.3~28ppmで,水原川で28ppmと多くなる。右岸支流の含有量は1~36.6ppmの問にある。特に入川No.21入川橋で36.6ppmと最高値を示し,EC (891μ&mho;/cm)やCl^- (86ppm)も高い数値を示している。(7)本流のCa^<2+>の含有量は,2.5~19ppmの間で変化している。左岸支流のCa^<2+>の含有量は0.6~6.2ppmで,含有量は少ない。右岸支流のCa^<2+>の含有量は,3.7~22.5ppmと比較的多く,花崗岩,石灰岩地帯を流下する境川No.28飯野で22.5ppmと最高値を示している。(8)本流のMg^<2+>の含有量は,1.8~3.2ppmの間で変化している。左岸支流は,0.8~8ppmであり,荒川や須川など,火山地帯の河川や温泉水の流入する河川で含有量が比較的多い。右岸支流は左岸より多く,2~6.6ppmの間で変化する。(9)本流のNH_<4->Nは,0.12~0.25ppmである。左岸支流のNH_<4->Nは,0.1~0.47ppmで,反田川で0.47ppm,松川で0.25ppmと高い値を示した。右岸支流のNH_<4->Nは,0.12~0.43ppmで,東根川で0.43ppm,岡代橋より3km上流のNo.26根小屋橋で0.32ppmと含有量が多くなる。(10)本流のPO^<3->_4の値は,0.02~0.12ppmの間で変化する。左岸支流のPO^<3->_4は,0.001~0.13ppmで変化し,油井川で0.13ppmを示している。右岸側支流のPO^<3->_4は,0.12~0.43ppmで変化している。(11)左岸支流のCl^-の負荷量は,5.6~241.9g/secで変化する。須川241.9g/sec,荒川205.9g/secで値が高く,松川159.4g/secも高い値を示している。松川,須川,荒川は,いずれも上流に温泉がある。右岸支流のCl^-の負荷量は,1.6~93.9g/secで,木幡川で93.9g/secとなった。(12)左岸支流のNa^+の負荷量は,0.7~98.03g/secである。松川で98.03g/sec,須川で65g/sec,水原川で57.9g/sec,摺上川で56.3g/secで高い値を示す。右岸支流のNa^+の負荷量は,0.78~23.5g/secである。木幡川23.5g/sec,東根川18.9g/secと高い値を示した。(13)左岸支流のCa^<2+>の負荷量は,1~35.4g/secである。荒川で35.4g/secを示した。右岸支流のCa^<2+>の負荷量は,1.2~32.6g/secで,木幡川で32.6g/secである。(14)左岸支流Mg^<2+>の負荷量は,0.14~72.0g/secである。荒川66.7g/sec,須川60.5g/secで高い値を示した。右岸支流のMg^<2+>の負荷量は,0.4~9.6g/secで,左岸側に比べて負荷量の少ない地点が多い。(15)左岸のNH_<4->Nの負荷量は,0.0039~0.13g/sec。荒川1.27g/sec,須川1.02g/sec,荒川1.02g/sec,摺上川1.05g/secなど,温泉水が流入する河川で負荷量が多い。右岸の負荷量は,0.001~0.063g/secで変化している。We have conducted an investigation into the tributaries flowing into the Abukuma river. Our findings can be summarized as follows. (1) In the main stream of the Abukuma, the pH value is 7.0~7.4. In the tributaries of the left bank, it is 3.4~7.6. The Matsukawa, the Arakawa and the Sukawa show the acid reactions because of the inflows of hot spring waters. It is 7.0~8.4 in the branches of the right bank. They are alkalized because they run through the granitic and the limestone districts. (2) DO of the mainstream is 10.2~11.4ppm. In the tributaries of the left bank, it is 8.9~13.6ppm. DO of the branches of the right bank show 8.7ppm. (3) The transparency of the mainstream is 7.6~27cm. As for the tributaries of the left bank, it is 32cm (the Arakawa), 40cm (the Nigori river), and 44.5cm (the Suriage river). The other branches show more than 50cm. In the branches of the right bank, it is 22cm (the Kurumi river), 24cm (the Higashine river), and 41cm (the Sakai river). (4) The electric conductivity of the mainstream is 61.7~158μ&mho;/cm. The tributaries of the left bank show 59.6~891.2μ&mho;/cm. The high values are found in the Ogawa (891.2μ&mho;/cm), the Sugawa (361μ&mho;/cm), the Arakawa (218μμ&mho;/cm). They are fed by the thermal spring waters. In the branches of the right bank, it is 117~363μ&mho;/cm. The high value is observed in the Irilawa (363μ&mho;/cm) which runs through valleys and paddy lands. (5) In the mainstream, the content of Cl^- is 22~38ppm. In the tributary streams of hte left bank, it is 6~36ppm. The high values are seen in the Arakawa (36ppm), the Sugawa (32ppm), and the Ogawa (28ppm) into which the hot spring waters flow. In the branches of the right bank, it is 4~86ppm. That of the Irikawa shows especially high value (86ppm), but the cause is unknown. (6) In the mainstream, the content of Na^+ is 3.3~9.6ppm. In the tributary streams of the left bank, it is 0.3~28ppm. The highest value (28ppm) is found in the Kihara river. In the tributary streams of the right bank, it is 1~36.6ppm. At Irikawa (No.21) and the Irikawa bridge, the highest values are observed, and there the contents of EC (891μ&mho;/cm) and Cl^- (86ppm) are also high. (7) In the main stream, the content of Ca^<2+> is 2.5~19ppm. In the tributaries of the left bank, it is 0.6~6.2ppm. In the tributary streams of the right bank, it is relatively high value, 3.7~22.5ppm. The highest value (22.5ppm) is observed in the Sakai river (No.28) by the side of lino (No.28) which runs through the granitic and the limestone area. (8) In the mainstream, the content of Mg^<2+> is 1.8~3.2ppm. In the tributaries of the left bank, it is 0.8~8ppm. The high values are found in the Arakawa and the Sugawa into which hot spring waters flow. In the branches of the right bank, it is 2~6.6ppm. (9) In the mainstream, the NH_<4->N content is 0.12~0.25ppm. In the branches of the left bank, it is 0.1~0.47ppm. The high values are observed in the Handa river (0.47ppm) and the Matsukawa river (0.25ppm). In the branches of the right bank, it is 0.12~0.43ppm. The high values are found in the Higashine river (0.43ppm) and at the point 3 kilometers upstream from the Okashiro bridge (0.32ppm). (10) In the mainstream, the PO^<3->_4 content is 0.02~0.12ppm. In the tributaries of the left bank, it is 0.001~0.13ppm. In the Aburai river, it is 0.13ppm. In the branches of the right bank, it is 0.12~0.43ppm. (11) In the branches of the left bank, the load of Cl^- is 5.6~241.9g/sec. The high figures are found in the Sukawa (241.9g/sec), the Arakawa (205.9g/sec) and the Matsukawa (159.4g/sec) which have spas in their upper reaches. In the tributaries of the left bank, the load of Cl^- is 1.6~93.9g/sec. The highest figure is found in the Kibata river. (12) The load of Na^+ is 0.7~98.03g/sec in the tributaries of the left bank. The high value is seen in the Matsukawa (98.03g/sec), the Sugawa (65g/sec) the Mizuhara river (57.9g/sec) and the Suriage river (56.3g/sec). In the branches of the right bank, it is 0.78~33.5g/sec. The high value can be found in the Kibata river (23.5g/sec) and the Higashine river (18.9g/sec). (13) In the tributaries of the left bank, the load of Ca^<2+> is 1~35.4g/sec. The highest value is found in the Arakawa. In the branches of the right bank, it is 1.2~32.6g/sec. The highest value is observed in the Kibata river. (14) In the tributaries of the left bank, the load of Mg^<2+> is 0.14~72.0g/sec. The high values are observed in the Arakawa (66.7g/sec) and the Sugawa (60.5g/sec). In the branches of hte right bank, ti is 0.4~9.6g/see. The branches of the right bank show lower values than those of the left bank. (15) In the branches of the left bank, the load of NH_<4->N is 0.0039~0.13g/sec. The high values are found in the Arakawa (27g/sec), the Sugawa (1.02g/sec) and the Sugawa (1.02g/sec). They are fed by hot spring waters. In the tributaries of the right bank, it is 0.001-0.063g/sec.