松野 隆則 Takanori MATSUNO
昭和女子大学生活心理研究所紀要 (ISSN:18800548)
vol.14, pp.31-40, 2012

Handwriting samples of a given Japanese text were collected from female student participants (N=50). Affective impressions regarding the appearance of the handwriting samples were assessed using the Semantic Differential technique. A factor analysis revealed three dimensions of impressions about handwriting, which were semantically similar to the dimensions of person perception. Another panel of female students inferred the big-five personality traits of the writers from the handwriting samples. All inferred personality traits were moderately or strongly correlated with at least one dimension of the impressions about handwriting. However, there were no satistically significant correlations between the dimensions of impressions about the handwriting and the writer's actual personality traits as assessed by the Big-Five Scales. The process and the fallaciousness of naive graphological inferences are discussed.


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松野隆則「手書き文字の感性印象と筆跡から推定されたおよび実際の書き手のパーソナリティ特性との関連について」 https://t.co/E4b4uGe4iJ #CiNii
筆跡からメンヘラか判断するってのは正気の沙汰だろうか?そもそも筆跡と書き手のパーソナリティーの推定についてはかなり否定的な研究が多いと思うのだが。たとえばこれとか http://t.co/3nRmvfl0tf 要は「気に入らないから」という話を適当に採用側が体裁整えてるだけかと
筆跡からメンヘラか判断するってのは正気の沙汰だろうか?そもそも筆跡と書き手のパーソナリティーの推定についてはかなり否定的な研究が多いと思うのだが。たとえばこれとか http://t.co/3nRmvfl0tf 要は「気に入らないから」という話を適当に採用側が体裁整えてるだけかと

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