山中 祥子 山 祐嗣 余語 真夫
社会心理学研究 (ISSN:09161503)
vol.27, no.2, pp.101-108, 2012

This study investigated implicit attitudes toward high-fat foods among female undergraduate students. The existence of conflict between implicit negative attitudes and approach attitudes toward high-fat foods was predicted. Implicit attitudes were measured using the Implicit Association Test (IAT; Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998). This test has two attribute categories: positive-negative and approach-avoidance. In Experiment 1, food stimuli were presented using words. The results showed an implicit negative attitude toward high-fat foods, but no approach attitude. In Experiment 2, pictures were used as food stimuli. Here, the results showed both an implicit negative attitude and an implicit approach attitude toward high-fat food. However, no difference was seen in implicit attitude toward high-fat foods between the group with high intention of intake restraint and the group with low intention. These results partly supported the prediction for this study. The relationships of implicit negative attitudes and implicit approach attitudes toward high-fat foods, and eating behavior, were discussed.


外部データベース (DOI)

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【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】山中ら(2012) 女子大学生における高脂肪食品に対する潜在的態度の検討 https://t.co/nxT2yLiNmR
女子大学生における高脂肪食品に対する潜在的態度の検討 https://t.co/HJhP8WzHiZ
【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】山中ら(2012) 女子大学生における高脂肪食品に対する潜在的態度の検討 http://t.co/nxT2yLiNmR
【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】山中ら(2012) 女子大学生における高脂肪食品に対する潜在的態度の検討 http://t.co/nxT2yLiNmR
【社会心理学研究・掲載論文】山中ら(2012) 女子大学生における高脂肪食品に対する潜在的態度の検討 http://t.co/sBm2RCpueh

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