高坂 康雅
青年心理学研究 (ISSN:09153349)
vol.23, no.2, pp.147-158, 2011-12-25

Psychological characteristics of young people not desiring a steady romantic relationship (Love-Unnecessary group) were compared with those that desired the steady relationship that they had (Love group), and those that desired a steady relationships that they did not have (Love-Longing group), from the perspectives of ego development, mental health, and individualism. A survey inquiring about psychological stress reactions, identity, sense of fulfillment, individualism, state of the romantic relationship, and the reason for not desiring a steady relationship, was conducted with university students (n =1350). The results indicated that 18.0 % of the participants belonged to the Love-Unnecessary group. Moreover, there was a bigger proportion of girls in the Love group and a bigger proportion of boys in the Love-Longing group, whereas no significant differences were observed in the proportion of boys to girls in the Love-Unnecessary group. Furthermore, the Love group scored high in identity establishment and mental health, whereas the Love-Longing group scored moderately in identity establishment and low in mental health. The Love-Unnecessary group scored low in identity establishment, lacked motivation, and displayed arbitrary thinking.


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CiNii 論文 -  "恋人を欲しいと思わない青年"の心理的特徴の検討 https://t.co/F5FkJMdbL0 これかと思ったけど2011か
なんか危なそうなアブストラクトだけど大丈夫なのかコレ? CiNii 論文 -  "恋人を欲しいと思わない青年"の心理的特徴の検討 https://t.co/CFpAb6hxg2
「恋人をほしいと思わない青年」の研究といえば髙坂先生 https://t.co/0HfF3xgY0C
「経験のない8%もの人が「交際したこともなく、付き合いたいとも思わない」というのは、なぜだろう」そんなあなたにはこの論文→http://t.co/tBObHP3lzl 恋人いない男子の3割、1人とも「交際したことない」 http://t.co/AC4boVHI0m
恋人を欲しいと思わない青年"の心理的特徴の検討 http://t.co/7eFzvujN

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