木佐森 健司
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.33, no.2, pp.96-106, 2012-11-30

Technology research has until the present aimed at understanding technology as an artificial matter constituted by physical elements and social elements in order to avoid treating technology as a physical cause of change. However, when technology is perceived as a network formed by different kinds of material as black boxes, the merkmals which characterize technology are vanish, leading to the disappearance of the technology. This article deduces a plan to recover the technology which has been vanished as an object of analysis in technology research by a rereading of the actor-network theory. Under this framework, the path will be found to recover the vanished technology from an analysis of the institutionalization of technical innovation in the making of the NC lathe machine tool market.


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“CiNii 論文 -  制度化される「技術革新」 : NC旋盤市場の形成における技術の意味論(投稿論文)” https://t.co/8adgocl6Wk

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