後藤 学
相模女子大学紀要. A, 人文系 (ISSN:18835341)
vol.76, pp.23-33, 2012

The purpose of this research was to examine whether it is effective to use the digital contents which can be confirmed while a child operates the contents and a numerical change is looked at about acquisition of a triangular height concept. Five of eight children were able to understand height again and handwriting was able to express from the posttest to the figure. Therefore, the dinamic digital contents that operate geogebra and draw a triangle are effective for the child who forgets, although the knowledge about triangular height was mastered or being mastered confirming again and understanding. However, three children were not able to draw an exact figure by a posttest. This result has confirmed suggestion of the previous researches that it is difficult for a child to understand the definition "height is distance, when a figure is inserted by parallel lines". It can be inferred that the factor with a difficult understanding that there are four steps illustrating triangular height.


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@takusansu @OokuboTact #超算数 底辺、高さの認識問題は、例えば後藤学(2012)「三角形の高さ概念を理解するためのデジタル・コンテンツの有効性について」https://t.co/hX9jqjrWLcを参照。また後藤氏は【図形の高さとは、平行線で図形を挟んだ時の距離である】と定義。これは「底辺があって高さがある」だから底辺×とも整合。
CiNii Articles -  Validity of the digital contents for understanding a triangular height concept http://t.co/4IoBlayw6o #CiNii #geogebra
RT @suttokodokkoy: CiNii 論文 -  三角形の高さ概念を理解するためのデジタル・コンテンツの有効性について http://t.co/4IoBlayw6o #CiNii …流石、後藤先生。先を越されていた。#geogebra #elementary_math
CiNii 論文 -  三角形の高さ概念を理解するためのデジタル・コンテンツの有効性について http://t.co/GMXYQHMW6r #CiNii …流石、後藤先生。先を越されていた。

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