貴島 耕平 砂口 文兵 藤井 暢人 藤木 春佳 松下 将章 金井 壽宏
日本情報経営学会誌 (ISSN:18822614)
vol.34, no.4, pp.47-58, 2014

Organizational development (OD) recently has focused on the invention of methods based on practical perspectives rather than academic ones. This movement has resulted in increased "development of OD." While this attention is mostly positive, it has led to a loss of clear identity for OD. Thus we call this phenomenon gritting refined gold. We argue the identity of OD by considering developmental practices, both empirically and theoretically. This study shows that OD has been consistent in its principle of development and has hold its traditional logic which had humanistic values at the center of interventions.


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