渡辺 伸一
奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 (ISSN:05472393)
vol.56, no.1, pp.115-125, 2007-10

Environmental cadmium pollution causes cadmium poisoning. The first cadmium-polluted area ever discovered in the world was the Jinzu River basin in Toyama Prefecture in Japan. The most severe case of cadmium poisoning is Itai-itai disease (osteomalacia), which was officially recognized as a pollution-related disease by the Japanese government in 1968, and a less severe case is tubular kidney dysfunction. In other words, the occurrence of Itai-itai disease is only the "tip of the iceberg". The tubular kidney dysfunction is the earliest and most prevalent adverse result of chronic cadmium poisoning. The Japan Public Health Association Cadmium Research Committee, supported by the Environmental Agency, carried out health surveys in cadmium-polluted areas of 8 prefectures during the period of 1976-1984 and reported that many cases of tubular kidney dysfunction were found not only in Toyama but also in Ishikawa, Hyogo and Nagasaki prefectures. However, the Environmental Agency and the research committee have never certified this kidney dysfunction as a pollution-related disease. In 1970, the Japanese government set tentative acceptable standards of 1ppm for brown rice and enacted the Agricultural Land Soil Pollution Prevention Law in 1971. Based on this Law, restoration projects of polluted soils of rice paddies were started. If cadmium nephropathy was certified as a officially pollution-related disease, acceptable standards for brown rice must be more strict than 1ppm, because 1ppm is a standard to prevent habitants from suffering from Itai-itai disease. This new strict standard arrives at increases in polluted rice and soils. This means increases in the expenses to buy polluted rice and to restore polluted soils. To offer indemnity to farmers for any reduction in his rice crop is the responsibility of polluting industries and to pay expenses to restore polluted soils is the responsibility of polluting industries, the central government and local authorities. This paper concludes that the main reason why cadmium nephropathy has not been certified as an official pollution- related disease is that the decision-making of the Environmental Agency and the research committee reflects the intention of the polluting industries and the government who regard the expenses above as too heavy a burden.


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"補償問題や財政問題に直結するがゆえに、重篤例または典型例の一部しか公害被害者とは認めない。こうした国の姿勢が、…あるいは解明されても政策には反映させない(カドミ中毒)という態度を生み" →国家的犯罪

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鍵RT CiNii 論文 -  公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に https://t.co/z3KAchCp6Z #CiNii コロナ禍の未来はこうなる。渡辺が執筆した時点ではカドミ腎症は公害病と認めていなかった。この後、加害企業と示談和解となるが、それは半世紀後であり、被害者の寿命が無くなるからだった。
CiNii 論文 -  公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に https://t.co/gi1oXARqzl #CiNii コロナ禍の未来はこうなる。渡辺が執筆した時点でカドミ腎症は公害病と認めていなかった。この後加害企業と示談和解となるが、それは半世紀後で、被害者の寿命が無くなるからだった。ワクチンもやな https://t.co/SF9MxyHXpw
CiNii 論文 -  公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に https://t.co/yie4Cq2GsG #CiNii 公害との因果関係を否定して加害側の免責とダメージの低減を図る社会の動き。
イタイイタイ病の時は自民党と鉱業協会が文春使ってネガティブキャンペーンやった。公害・薬害でメディアコントロールして大衆世論操作し被害者の生存権消滅させる手法は半世紀以上のノウハウ。 https://t.co/yie4Cq2GsG
ウソつき常習官庁だからね。 「公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に」渡辺伸一(奈良教育大学紀要 人文・社会科学 56(1), 115-125, 2007-10) https://t.co/yie4Cq2GsG https://t.co/GkpJk0MMRJ
避難する権利と避難しない権利 https://t.co/tGmE4EOwfs CiNii 論文 -  公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に https://t.co/z3KAchTs8Z
CiNii 論文 -  公害病否定の社会学的考察--カドミウム腎症を事例に https://t.co/yie4Cq2GsG #CiNii コロナ禍の未来はこうなる。渡辺が執筆した時点ではカドミ腎症は公害病と認めていなかった。この後、加害企業と示談和解となるが、それは半世紀後であり、被害者の寿命が無くなるからだった。
こんな論文どうですか? 公害病否定の社会学的考察 ―カドミウム腎症を事例にー,2007 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/120001075628

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