久保島 吉貴 大崎 久司 沢田 知世 折口 和宏 吉原 浩 岡野 健
東京大学農学部演習林報告 (ISSN:03716007)
no.103, pp.243-306, 2000-06

東京大学農学部附属千葉演習林牛蒡沢産の86年生のスギの材質試験を行った。結果の概要を以下に示す。1)各物性値の半径方向の変動(髄→樹皮方向)は,多くの場合,以下のa)のような傾向を示した。一部はb)のような傾向であった。a)・髄付近では大体の場合,安定あるいは増大,一部極大値があった。・心材部あるいは心辺材境界部分で極大値が存在した。・辺材部では減少した。b)髄付近から心材部にかけて安定していた。2)本実験に用いられた丸太には直径が約30cmまたは50cmの2種類存在したが,太さによって物性値の半径方向の変動のパターンが変わっているとは言えなかった。3)各物性値と密度ならびに弾性率との相関関係を表2に示す。多くの場合密度や弾性率と相関関係が認められた。Properties of 86-year-old sugi wood (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) planted at Gobozawa in Tokyo University Forest in Chiba were tested. Five logs were used. The tests and the measured properties were as follows: 1) Soft X-ray measurement: density variation in the radial direction 2) Static bending test: Young's modulus, proportional limit, bending strength, and bending work 3) Impact bending test: absorbed energy in impact bending 4) Compression test: Young's moduli in longitudinal (L), radial (R), and tangential (T) directions, proportional limits in L, R, and T-directions, and longitudinal compression strength 5) Torsion test: shear moduli of the LT and LR-planes 6) Shear test: shear strength of the LT-plane 7) Hardness test: hardness of the RT, LT, and LR-planes 8) Shrinking test: percent shrinkage in the L, R, and T-directions The results were as follows: 1) The patterns of variation of the measured wood properties in the R-direction (from pith to bark) mainly followed pattern (a) but some cases followed pattern (b). a) Around the pith: the values of the properties increased or did not change in most cases, and sometimes had peaks. Heartwood region, and boundary between heartwood and sapwood: the properties exhibited peaks. Sapwood region: the properties decreased. b) They were stable at the pith and heartwood regions. 2) The pattern of variation did not change with the diameter of the logs. 3) The wood properties were related to density and moduli of elasticity at the 1% or 5% significant level in almost all of the cases.


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こんな論文どうですか? 千葉演習林牛蒡沢スギ(Cryptomeria japonica D.Don)の材質(久保島吉貴ほか),2000 http://id.CiNii.jp/EkTnM

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