玉木 正人 下地 光好 久貝 忠男 大田 治 佐久田 斉 川畑 勉 鎌田 義彦 宮城 和史 赤崎 満 大嶺 靖 伊波 潔 国吉 幸男 古謝 景春 草場 昭 Tamaki Masato Shimoji Mituyoshi Kugai Tadao Ohta Osamu Sakuda Satoshi Kawabata Tsutomu Kamada Yoshihiko Miyagi Kazufumi Akasaki Mitsuru Ohmine Yasushi Iha Kiyoshi Kuniyoshi Yukio Koja Kageharu Kusaba Akira 琉球大学医学部外科学第二講座
琉球医学会誌 = Ryukyu Medical Journal (ISSN:1346888X)
vol.13, no.3, pp.321-327, 1993

A case of schwannoma originating in the right intrathoracic vagus nerve was reported. A 72-yearold woman had an abnormal shadow in the right upper mediastinum on a chest roentgenogram. A CT scan and MRI revealed a tumor in the upper mediastinum compressing the trachea, right carotid artery and right subclavian artery. An incisional biopsyof the mass in the right neck was revealed to be benign schwannoma. The mass was 55 ×42×29mm in size and originated from the right vagusnerve at the proximal level and extended to the branch of the recur-rent laryngeal nerve. There was no evidence of invasion of the mass into the surrounding organsand tissues were evident. Subcapsular ex tirpation was done preserving the nerve fibers. However, postoperative hoarseness due to dysfunction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve occurred. Mediastinal schwannoma originating in the vagus nerve is notso common ; 29 cases have been reported in Japanese literature.


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こんな論文どうですか? 胸腔内迷走神経由来の神経鞘腫の1治験例,1993 http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/50005746103

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