本稿では、ある社会福祉法人が指定特定相談支援事業所を設立し、事業を展開していく過程を事例的に取り上げながら、障害者相談支援事業における計画相談支援の実施上の課題の一端について考察することを試みた。その結果、相談支援事業の本格実施前の準備期間における相談支援事業体制の準備不足が再確認された。また、相談支援専門員の業務範囲のあり方についての課題が明らかになるとともに、計画相談において重要とされる「継続性」「専門性」「中立性」のそれぞれにおいて、安定継続した事業所の運営の困難性や、相談支援専門員の専門性や中立性の担保についての課題等が明らかとなった。In this research, practical problems in planning consultation support in the Program of Consultation Support for Persons with Disabilities were discussed, referring to case examples on the process of developing a project of a designated specific consultation support office established by a social welfare corporation. As a result, it was reaffirmed that not enough preparation was conducted for the formulation of Consultation Support services in the preparation period before the full-scale implementation of the consultation support program. Furthermore, the task regarding the scope of work of consultation support specialists was clarified, and at the same time, the difficulties in the stable and sustained operation of the facilities from the perspective of "consistency," "expertness" and "neutrality" were regarded as important in planning consultation. In addition, the task of assurance of expertness and neutrality of consultation support experts were revealed.