渡辺 浩一 來山 政明 太田 一 松村 敏博 徳永 将人 新 直也 川岡 耕平 松村 さとみ 吉田 弘司 谷川 宮次
no.24, pp.173-179, 2018

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has urged each universityto promote efforts of cooperative work between academic staff and non-academic staff. The IR(Institutional Research) committee of our university is an organization with the cooperative work,and each member carries out activities and cooperative work making full use of their expertise. At the end of FY2016, we conducted mutual evaluation on IR with a university in the Tohoku region and made evaluations including staff expertise. In addition, as for the activity in FY2017, each staff is carrying out analyses and other activities making full use of the expertise of their department, as well as the previous year, and we are promoting further approach including the policy proposals.


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