美川 圭
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.67, no.3, pp.p344-374, 1984-05

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり鎌倉期公家政権の政治制度史が他に比して大変遅れている中で、本論稿では鎌倉中期以降、公家政権に於て重要な職制と なる院伝奏、および朝幕関係の変化を考える上で重要な関東申次の制度的成立を、鎌倉初期までさか上って具体的に考察する。また北条時頼による徳政申入、九条道家の失脚、時頼による関東申次の指名。寛元四年(一二四六) に起ったこれらの政治的事件に対応して、院評定を軸とする公家政権の政治機構の制度化が行なわれたが、従来その相互関係は十分明らかとなってはいない。政治的事件と政治機構の対応関係を明らかにし、その政治的意義を述べ鎌倉期政治史全体への展望を示すことがこの論稿の目的である。I will consider the establishment of two political institutions, Kantomoshitugi 関東申次 and In-denso 院伝奏, from early Kamakura 鎌倉 period when they appeared; the former was an important one in Imperial Court after middle Kamakura period, the latter played a great role between the Imperial Court and the Shogunate Government. There are fewer studies of political institutions of the Imperial Court in Kamakura period than other subjects. And there are many unkown points about the relation between political occurences and institutions, though political institutions of the Imperial Court, in which In-hyojyo 院評定 was a central axis, were organized in relation to political occurrences, Hojo Tokiyori's 北条時頼 offer about benevolent administration, Kujo Michiie's 九条道家 down-fall, and Tokiyori's nomination of Kanto-moshitugi in 4th Kangen 寛元 (A.D. 1246). So I clear that relation and finally I position these institutions in political history of Kamakura period.


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