松田 利彦
史学研究会 (京都大学文学部内)
史林 (ISSN:03869369)
vol.78, no.6, pp.866-901, 1995-11

個人情報保護のため削除部分あり本稿は、朝鮮植民地期初期の武断政治を象徴する憲兵警察機構を、当時期の植民地財政の緊縮と独立運動の後退という二つの規定要因に即して理解しようとした。憲兵警察機構は併合前後の短期間に人員の確保・末端機関の展開を完了したが、以後は財政条件に規定されその規模は停滞した。もっとも、地方行政費をしのぐ予算が憲兵警察に投入された結果、実質的な地方支配者としての憲兵警察の地位は固まっていった。かかる治安体制は「平穏」な朝鮮には不要だとの批判を一部から受けるが、治安当局は独立運動の退潮を必ずしも楽観しておらず、むしろ韓末国権回復運動を根絶する過程で民衆掌握の必要性を再認識したのだった。高等警察を重視し、教育や宗教などの側面を中心に民衆生活への干渉を行った憲兵警察は、やがて第一次大戦期、ロシア革命や民族自決主義の影響を察知する。にもかかわらず一般民衆の経済的窮境を度外視し機構拡大の必要もさしあたって感じていなかった憲兵警察機構は、かかる認識を三・一運動によって突き崩されていくことになる。The gendarme-dominated policing system (憲兵制度), a symbolic apparatus of Japanese military rule in colonial Korea, was greatly infuenced by factors unique to the 1910's. First, the curtailed budget in the early days of colonial period did not allow the police to have more manpower than was necessary to suppress the Korean "Righteous Army" (義兵) in 1907. In addition, the tight budget did not allow the colonial government to expand police stations except immediately after the annexation of Korea. Disbursements for the police exceeded, however, that for local administrative organizations, and therefore gendarmes and policemen played a role in administrative matters. Second, the anti-Japanese movements decreased after the annexation. While some critics claimed that a powerful police system was not suitable for a "peaceful" Korea, the colonial police did not share their optimistic view. Instead, the police frequently intervened in religious and educational matters in order to prevent the recurrence of an independence movement. During World War I, gendarmes and police remained cautions, for the Russian Revolution and the priciple of self-determination elucidated by Wilson in his 14 points were not political movements whose ideology was conducive to the continuation of Japanese colonial rule. But the police officials failed to notice the extreme poverty of Korean populace and, as a result, they didn't find any need to strengthen the police force. It was not until the March First Movement that they recognized the inadequacy of police power in community control.


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CiNii 論文 -  日本統治下の朝鮮における憲兵警察機構(1910〜1919年) https://t.co/vrm9EdiRwu #CiNii

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