末森 明夫
no.2, pp.41-62, 2021-03-25

従来の障害史研究は文字史料に偏っており、非文字史料を活用し切れていないという反省に立ち、障害史研究の展開における歴史図像学の援用をはかるべく、中世日本絵画史料の《融通念仏縁起絵》《遊行上人縁起絵》《聖徳太子絵伝》にみる不具や癩の描写の変化をたどり、中世日本の信仰の世界にみる障害認識の変容を明らかにすることを通して障害史研究に資することを試みた。 / まず《遊行上人縁起絵》諸本〈甚目寺施行〉にみる不具や癩の図様ないし構図の対比をおこなった。不具描写には躄跛や盲がみられたものの、いずれも乞食非人の輪の周縁に描かれており、乞食や不具の層の内部に階層性が存在することが窺われた。続いて《聖徳太子絵伝》諸本の〈無遮会〉にみる不具・癩描写の対比をおこなった。鎌倉時代以降の南都および真宗系諸本には癩描写がみられた他、南都系諸本には躄や跛の描写もみられた。最後に《融通念仏縁起絵》諸本の〈念仏勧進開始〉にみる不具や癩描写の対比をおこなった。祖本の影響が強く見られる甲系諸本よりも乙系諸本のほうが躄が早く描かれる傾向が窺われたものの、明徳版本ではさまざまな不具や癩の描写が同じ円座の下に描かれるようになる経緯が窺われた。 / 《遊行上人縁起絵》《聖徳太子絵伝》《融通念仏縁起絵》にみる不具や癩の描写は時代が下ると共に、階層性が薄れていく様相が窺われ、穢れを始めとする中世日本にみる不具・癩に対する認識の収斂と分岐が平行して生じていることが窺われた。一方、聾や瘖瘂に関する記述は文字史料には普通にみられるにも拘わらず、《融通念仏縁起絵》《遊行上人縁起絵》《聖徳太子絵伝》に聾や瘖瘂の図像を認めることはできず、不具描写にみる顕性的ないし潜性的不具図像とでもいうべき特性の違いがみられた。This note canvasses transitions of disabilities and/or lepers depicted in medieval manuscripts comprised three well-known pictures, "Yugyō Shōnin Engi", "Shōtoku Taishi Eden", and "Yūzū Nembutsu Engi" in Japan to contribute to the historical iconography from the viewpoints of changes of social recognition for the disabilities and/or lepers. / First, we compared design/layout of disabilities and/or lepers depicted in scenes of "Jimoku-Ji Segyō(tr. Charity for the poor, beggars, disabilities, and lepers)" concluded in the "Yugyō Shōnin Engi", indicating only cripples and blind persons who were portrayed around a communal dining circle for beggars. This arrangement strongly suggested visually a hierarchy in the class of beggars and disabilities. Second, measuring scenes of "Mushae(tr. Charity)" in manuscripts of the "Shōtoku Taishi Eden", providing new knowledge that disabilities and lepers had become popular as a subject painted in the scenes in addition to the poor and beggars since the late middle ages. Finally, observing scenes "Nembutsu Kanjin (tr. a mass in Buddhism)" concluded in the "Yūzū Nembutsu Engi", uncovering a change that disabilities and lepers were equally arranged with un-disabled beggars in a communal dining circle in the latest manuscript, however, that the disabilities had painted prior to the lepers in early manuscripts. / The finding regarding the layout of the disabilities and lepers in the medieval pictures profoundly indicated reduction of the hierarchy in the poor, beggars, disabilities, and lepers with the times in the middle ages because of the changes, which comprised the convergence and divergence, of recognition for the disabilities and/or lepers. However, the deaf or deaf-mute was not observed in above mentioned pictures, suggesting an aporia that there were dominant icons for the disabilities such as the cripple or blind persons and recessive ones like the deaf or deaf-mute.


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CiNii 論文 -  中世絵画史料《遊行上人縁起絵》《聖徳太子絵伝》《融通念仏縁起絵》諸本にみる不具および犬神人の描写に関する予備的考察 https://t.co/00Ak0Cgzrj #CiNii
末森 明夫 - 中世絵画史料《遊行上人縁起絵》《聖徳太子絵伝》《融通念仏縁起絵》諸本にみる不具および犬神人の描写に関する予備的考察 https://t.co/yHENwbWHlx

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