金 ウンビ 伊東 明宏 中塚 健太郎 坂入 洋右
Japanese Society of Sport Psychology
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
vol.41, no.1, pp.19-34, 2014

Two studies were conducted to examine psychological and behavioral effects of adding music and physical contacts to exercise programs. In Study 1,146 college students were divided into four exercise conditions: (1) exercise with music and physical contact (2) exercise with physical contact (3) exercise with music (4) exercise without music and physical contact. The effects of exercise on psychological aspects such as mood, satisfaction with the exercise, and human relationships were compared among the four groups. Results indicated that the pleasure and arousal level of mood state increased after exercise in all four conditions. Moreover, both music and physical contact increased the satisfaction with exercise and the physical contacts promoted human relationships. In Study 2, psychological and behavioral effects of the exercise were compared with almost same exercise but without music and physical contact. The state of anxiety levels and the interpersonal distance and interpersonal behaviors between each subjects and a partner of exercise were investigated in 16 college students before and after exercise. Results indicated that the score of positive affect factor of State-STAI increased after exercise with music and physical contact comparing to exercise without them. Moreover, the effects of exercise on interpersonal relationships, such as perception of interpersonal attraction, shortening of interpersonal distance, and increase of positive interpersonal behavior were significantly higher after exercising in pairs with background music, compared to doing almost the same exercise without music and physical contact. Furthermore, statistically significant correlations were observed between the change of interpersonal distance and the effects such as increase of positive affect and interpersonal behavior. The results of the study suggest the effectiveness of adding music and physical contacts to exercise to improve psychological states and interpersonal interactions of people.


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こんな論文どうですか? 音楽と身体接触を活用した運動が心理状態と対人関係に及ぼす効果(金 ウンビほか),2014 http://t.co/Tvcs0bUbmd

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