岡 耕平
Japanese Cognitive Science Society
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.21, no.1, pp.45-61, 2014

Some people with pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) can hardly express their<br> own thoughts in language. Sometimes, they have been considered as a communication<br> disorder. However, since the word "communication" is usually defied as an interaction<br> between at least two persons, it is doubtful to attribute problems happened within a<br> particular communication to one side. In this study, I collected text data from a mi-<br>croblog of one person who has been diagnosed as PDD and having difficulty to express<br> her own thoughts in language, in order to investigate how the microblog had changed<br> the way of communications. The results of the text data analysis showed that the par-<br>ticipant expressed what she wanted to say by referring and utilizing remarks of others.<br> The possibility and implications of removing the difficulties from their communication<br> through the process of "curation" was discussed.


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