出口 順子 沖村 多賀典 井澤 悠樹 徳山 友 菊池 秀夫
vol.9, no.2, pp.19-34, 2017

<p>The objective of this study is to confirm the intentions of J. League spectators to support a club. Specifically, data was collected from 619 J. League supporters, and a hypothetical model that assumes a relationship among attachment, team identification, and club support intentions was examined using structural equation modeling. In addition, to verify the difference in the intensity of supportive behavior, supporter-club members and non-members and supporter-association members and non-members were compared. From the results, it was observed that team identification and attachment to a fan community affected club support intentions, and among the two, the effect of the former was stronger. Further, no differences were observed that compared supporter-club members and non-members. In the comparison between supporter-association members and non-members, differences were observed in the relationship between attachment to a fan community and club support intentions and that between attachment to a local city and team identification.</p>


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ちなみに今回ご紹介は主にこちら、東海学園大学の方が筆頭で書かれた「Jリーグ観戦者のクラブ支援意図」という論文。謝辞に『(株)岐阜フットボー ルクラブには多大な協力、支援をいただきました』ってあるから、岐阜サポの方々が調査対象であるな( ・`д・´) https://t.co/HD3v1pPOWw #CiNii
で、去年発表された論文でも概ね結果は再現。 「水戸サポ同士で遊ぶのたーのしー!  →「ワイは水戸サポや感」がうp   →「水戸様しゅき、支援しちゃう、ワイがんばっちゃう」 読もう( ・`д・´) https://t.co/HD3v1pPOWw

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